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Sunday 19 October 2008

Saher's beautiful Comments


Saher and I had to continue with our charity staff thingg. It was easier than last time. Ms Earl was flexible, Ms Edwards was flexible and some others wer flexible with time.

Anyway", I'm guna talk abt a few of the teachers. We started 2nd break since I had t go t Mr Jones at first break. Saher told me that shes asked Mr Johnson [ i keep getting mixed up between the name Andrew Johnston and Mr Johnson's name HAHA ] She then told me, that while I was in Ms Peachy's class[1st lesson] , he rejected her and all. But when she was asking th canadian, he was like, "Dont u hav t go t Mr Watkins' birthday?" . and Canadian was like "Oh ,rele? It's on th same day?" and he was like "Yeah, dont u want t party and have fun?"- saher added this one, i frgot if he rele said this or not.
In the end, the Canadian stopped signing up and so we've lost quite a few teachers bcz of "The fun party" . XD

So then we asked other teachers. If Im not wrong, we had English at 4th lesson, so we were in the boys block upstairs. We added Mr/Mrs Kearns into the list [Mr Kearns was guna run off until Mrs Kearns was interested and signed them both in] .
Then, we saw Mr West in his room. Saher commented "he lks like a zombie I swear" and I agreed, "he lks so dead HAHAHA" . We commented a few more until we actually knocked on his door. and he was like "come in" . Saher then announced the halloween night and all. Then he flipped his planner and went "Well.. no I dont hav plans on th 30th.. so .. " , he hesitated for a while until "well, ok then put me down on this time" -i frgot wat time.
All I could reply was a "thank you" but Saher went "Just dont forget, sir" -i dont this she realised that it was kind of rude until she actually said it - but then he replied "I'll write it in mi planner".
I couldn help but laugh . HAHAHA.
She was hardly persuasive at all XD.

The funniest one is abt Mr Johnson. Remember that I said that he's rejected her? Well, we were desperate right, at the end of 2nd break. And just then we saw him out of the Girls Block [we wer in front of him]. Annoyed with the little amount of teachers, Saher called out "It's all because of you sir!!" . HAHAHA. -and it was so random HAHAHA.
He turned, as if he hasn done anyth wrong, "What?"
His expression scared me. It looked as if we've just bullied him; but since hes not mi teacher, Idk if thatt expression is actually normal .
Saher then was like "we havn got that many teachers because of you" , there was sth abt the language that made us seem so sad HAHAHA. I was guna tell her t shut up until he came towards us and murmured "giv me" then snatched th paper and the pen from us. He skimmed through the list and asked "Wher's mi name?"
I was trying t skim through it too, "uuuh.. sir, I cant see .. ur too tall" even when I stood on mi heels. Saher laughed at me . HAHA.
He was too concentrated in finding his name and at last he did.
"Here!" he called out and wrote his initials on the columns.
We thought he'd only wrote once, but since he was so tall, I couldn rele see from underneath and his hands seemed t be rele busy in writing his initials. We just gawked at him . When we got it back, the whole row was filled with his initials.

I was like "WHAT?" when he left us. We both bursted out laughing. And it was clear that it isn Mr Watkin's birthday anymore. HAHAHHAHAHA.
Outside the tech block, the Canadian was standing. While passing, he murmured a little message t her. As fast as he is, we ran to her and asked her again in supervising the party. I heard him whispering t her, "Theyr not on the same day", which she then repeated "OH, THEYR NOT?" and then he continued "No, Thursday's free". I just giggled behind them and joined Saher in persuading her t supervise for the halloween party. At the end she's supervising all night. She was like "I want a best teacher award" and winked at me. Mr Johnson went "Yeah I tried that on them but no, dsn work". I couldn help but laugh.



sylphiawings said...

nr johnson has a huge impact on ms macleod dontcha think? 0___0

poor mr watkins. you know i had to write his b-day on a business card we were doing in ICT? -laughs-

niisaa. said...

HAHAHA YEAHH. they seem t be friends. i thot mr johnson was couple with ms peachy . ckckkc.

*butts into people's lives. HAHA

even wen saher asked [in another time] , he was like "i'll see if i hav any plans with ms peachy" HAHA.


syania/bs said...


glek johnson sounds selingkuh in this entry ckck

*nonethless it ws interestin altho th watkins bday paragraph confused me at 1st XD

Anonymous said...


Hamzah Al Asadulloh said...

nisa u type so unclearly.
u cudve atleats mention halloween partay @ 1st

n is saher a guy or a girl?

cuz u n him/her ws talking 2 macleod n u mentioned a he. WHOS TH HE???

i ddnt quite understand ur spot ._.

but nonetheless, i lold @ ur shortness x)

niisaa. said...

HAHA i kno i dont understand much of mi posts either. Its bcz i blab wen im excited that its stopped making sense XD XD .
saher's a GIRL . XD XD
the he was mr johnson mwahahaha.

@md: HAHA YEAH it is. i like teh foreign writing at the top.

@bs: HAHAH I KNO . she seemed t be affected by th choice he makes XD .

Saherrr... said...

OMG!!!!!!!!! U WROTE ABT THAT!!!! my parents think i hav gone mad cuz i was lafing my butt off and just staring at the comp screen... U, U, U,!!...anyway... that made me laf alot...

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