follow mi prens ;D

Wednesday 29 October 2008

friends lalalaa


ahahha. stupid braces. been bothering me all week- probably th coming week too.
The bottom gum just cant stop hurting completely. its sucks.
tmoro at 5 im guna go back t th dentist again. damn it costs at the cc queen dental. but i cant miss anymore lessons, and i always hav t suffer all day at school.

So", apart from the braces and the amount of work i hav this week, things are fine. Quite touching of how everybody asks abt mi teeth XD. Riham told me all these funny stories and all. When I couldn eat, Afrina and Amsharul was like "bring a porridge to school" and I just laughed. I was like "wth porridge XD" - marsya supported mi statement which was hardly supportiv at all . HAHA. and then amsharul suggested a way of th container and all. then afrina was like "If you're shy, then i'll bring a porridge t school too, then we can eat together".

T __ T

ina's always supportive *touched*; just like in the DT lesson [idk why, but since i heard i only got a 2 in mi effort fr DT, I kinda felt down a bit so ] when i was working alone when everybody was having fun decorating th room so she thought i was lonely [i was, but i wasn thinking of it] and so she kept me company. She always go "Are you ok nisa?" XD. Never met somebody THAT attentiv and kind bfore.
I envy her. ^__^

Also, today after school. Mr malley whoever he is had a birthday party. The cake was big. I ddn even see it. But even saher and marsya helped giving out cakes t other teachers just so they cud get a share which at the end they ddn. HAHA.
So" . I had art last lesson. I went t girls block t accompany marsya get her shopping lking bag. It took quite a time until i actually got t the front office. Everybody went out from the boys block quite late.
Then", wen i got t th front, lily and eman came up t me. they wer like "nisaaa weve been lking all over fr u!" i was like "whaa.." . then eman gave me this big chunk of cake and she was like "here its for u" . i went glek. lily was like "its soft u know, u can eat it. take it" i was like "really??" . and then eman went "yeahh,, seriously !! its mine but we decided t giv it t u" i was rele surprised. and then lily was like "we felt so sorry fr u u cant eat. the cake is rele soft". and took me quite a while t be serious.
I felt bad fr thinking they wer making a prank on me XD [yeahh.. fr the first 5 seconds or sth, such a bad friend .__. ] , when it was true, it was soft. It was vanilla.And I was, hungry.
I had t go home early after thatt; said thankk you and went.
And wow I was full wen ive fnished th cake.

[ those were the good people see, half of the noticing ppl either said i lk pathetic or just laughed at me. HAHA ]


sylphiawings said...

oh lol. but i gave you tips! :D

syania/bs said...

am i one of th ones tht laughed? =DD

ur friends r too kind ckck.

niisaa. said...

@cania: yes u are teh source for tips kih".

@bs: mi prens are kind *___*
and at the right time HAHAHAH.