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Tuesday 21 October 2008



Seriously, Teachers should read a book of psychology first bfore they start teaching. Wtf mi new piano teacher. Ok, so maybe I HAVE been living in a wats-so-called-"utopia" where everybody is satisfying to me. My first impressions can get a bit far off, like the Canadian which isn as worse as her first 2 weeks. People change. But the way this piano teacher teaches just frustrates me. She critics every mistake I make but then moves on without slowing down with mi pace. Yeah" so she complimented me for the first 2 weeks. Big deal. But wth's with the 100x tempo in doing the piano scales and rushing with the pieces. The girl she needs is Dhe3. Dhe3'd cope with these kinds of things. I cant. Im a turtle remember? I take things slowly in until I eventually able t do it. I dont multi task. I dont just do 2 pieces in one week. I hav after schools. I have IGs revision. I hav chemistry.
I have a life.

I tried doing the two pieces today, after I got worked up abt mi dentist appointment. Shoot it it ddn work. I couldn get th right mood. And everytime I did, the touch was always "forte" instead of "piano". She goes "horrible, too light, do this, do that, excellent, thats nice" but then she moves on as if I actually got it in mi fingers. She should stop rushing. I mean- just get ONE piece right for a start. Wth this
mazurka and this italiano foreign named piece. She was guna cramp in the Wonderful Life or wtever th other one's called in the lesson but I was too slow to move on. - DUH. I was actually too slow for the both of those.

The scales, last time she said t do it lightly. This time , cz i cudn cope with it she said t practise it heavy and she was like "wrong", do it like this," as if she hasn told anyth
CONTRASTING from last week. OF COURSE I was confused. I hav a chemistry test tmoro. Im just writing for the sake of getting mi temper cool down.
But I mean- isn learning too many things just get u worked up? Isn it actually common sense that taking in too many critics for 45 min just frustrating? Im paying yu weird teacher.
WHERS MI OTHER ONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyth's always a balance. Once I change opinion from a bad teacher t a better one, this other teacher ruins mi life. In the end, Nth's actually changing.


dea said...

hahaha im a tough girl id cope with anything JENGJERENG

syania/bs said...

aww poor u nisa.
u shud tell her she's goin too fast ckck
i told tht t parry n he slowed down a lot for us n now i understand chem a whole lot better =D
this teacher is blonde rite?

niisaa. said...


@bs: yeahh i shud. i'll ask her if i can only do one piece t practise on fr the moment. i mean- shes kinda treating me as if im so smart but im not. *truth hurts XD .

i was so pissed off and i currently hav no time t write much atm that i ddn even include th nice bits for tday HAHA.

syania/bs said...

wt? eagle? XD

HAHAAHAHAH XD well thts gud.. she thinks ure smart n expects high from u. bt its sad tht u havta let her down bcuz u havent th potential yet HAHA *sorry if tht stabs u__u

hoh. tht is already a lot of writing IMO XD

sylphiawings said...

ya ampun nis parah bgt tuh. 0___0 aku juga dapet guru baru tapi perasaan ga separah itu deh. @_@

-reads your rants in silence-

Anonymous said...

dam dam daaaaammm...