follow mi prens ;D

Monday 13 October 2008

ok ok ok

and i cant keep chasing your memories...

damnn i think ive fnished most of mi revision for physics. Mr Heath was too fast I couldn keep up with th lesson HAHA. Kinda taking a break rite naw since hamzah suggested thatt i shud fill th blog in.
[did he?]

Anyway". u kno the sign that goes
"family day" in front of CC entrances? Wtf those lame dumbass cant even spare a day for people that DONT hav families. Its not as if those feet are theirs u kno. How does it matter if construction workers are inside? So what if they dont hav a family? Nobody has t hav one, retard. [wh th hell am i ranting to?] I felt so sad after lstening t wat mi mom said. They only have one Friday in the week.

Oh yeah she also mentioned
[these wer yesterdayy] that mi cousin [mentioned as mi dad's nephew which means pretty much th same thing] was supposed t come here and work here. However he got tricked a couple of times and lost a great amount of money a couple of times. Wth's with th economy these days? Indo-s are supposed t help other indo. Just wtf are they trying t make out by fooling? It's nt as if theyr guna be given happiness, see. Stupid asians.

Canadian is seriously, like, literally JUST like O'Neil. The only differences between them are thatt shes pretty [Hamzah wanted her as a teacher, he dsn kno how LUCKY he is t NOT hav her] and the way they state sth - O'Neil seem arrogant while Canadian seem very doubtful.
Still, theyr the same. And I was blank today since the word "Chemistry" passed into mi ears. Mr Gray was monitoring her rite, and last lesson she was like "be enthusiastic [trying t make her lk good]- well.. ur already enthusiastic [see how she always doubts her points?] " . And shes JUST like O'Neil wen somebody monitors. She actually became very loud and very confident. Not as if I understood more than I usually do, but she sounded like shes educated and
Im just dumb. HAHA. I couldn help but smirk at certain times in th lesson.

The past never dies.



syania/bs said...

0 stars were shining bright even without the moon

LUCUUUUUUUU *_________________*

i dnt wanna die. D:
btw i found th first paragraphs creepy kih2

Hamzah Al Asadulloh said...

poor j00 no comments.
WTH CANADIAN XDXD i lold @ tht

lulz she doubts her points xD

omg ur commenty thing is so cool *0* i look upon the moon and stars at 11:06
0 stars were shining bright even without the moon

niisaa. said...

HAHA wth XD. yes" it comes with th template ;D.

what first paragraph? it sounds neutral JIM.or u mean th cc ?

syania/bs said...

yes th CC thing *jim*

niisaa. said...

yes it was creepy.. its like a racism in a "economy-classed" way - __ -

syania/bs said...

nisa is so obsessed with business studies stuff. o___O
do u even take it *jim*

niisaa. said...

No i dont JIM. it just seems racist. Because Im asian. *lha ko.