follow mi prens ;D

Wednesday 15 October 2008

mi mom.


See". today was very embarrassing. Salman wet himself just bcz of a pencil case of sth. and lalala i had to sort out the talking since mi mom wasn the one picking us up. I never knew his teacher had physical problems until tnt. Ita mentioned it. It was sth t do with nerves really, when I seriously thought he was just always itchy and all so he has t twitch his head all the time- oops. Nth t make a joke abt, but her statement sounds waaaay more logical than mine XD XD .

You know how people
lick their fingertip to turn up a page when they read sth? Salman was doing thatt in a way that he actually KNOWS wth hes doing. However instead of only licking a bit of th fingertip, he drooled on the whole finger- though his face expression is kept straight XD XD XD . I mean- the pages ddn even need licking !! It was a lego manual with coloured pictures on it with papers like in textbooks. HAHA. Mi mom asked him [while laughing] why he keeps licking his fingertip and he was like "my arabic teacher does this when she opens the page" then she went ... . wth does he learn at school?

Thers guna be
a lot of things happening in th school in 2 weeks. Only Sunday, wer planning to leave the day out and just make an offer that if u pay so and so ticket on that day, u get a discount. XD I like that idea, Marsya would like th idea. It reveals the cheapness behind rich people HAHA. I wanted t suggest a T-shirt sale or pin sales but idk why but i ddn put mi hand up. Th week was already filled anyway. This isn in Indo, it wont be easy getting th shirts- would it?

Actually, pins would be easier. We can buy th kid plastic thing that makes th pins manually- though Idk how t make mi own designs.. by printing off from th computer- I frgot - and mi kid thing is broken so.. .

Oh" anyway at nite, I was doing mi chemistry rite. And I had problems with a few of it. Since like, 2 days ago or sth, mi mom kept suggesting that I shud hav lessons with tnt. Ita. I went glek, it seems so awkward. I thought shed at least suggest someone like BS, or sth. and just an hour ago I ddn kno wat ion is. And she was like "tanya umar hamzah aja". and i went "hah?" and she was like "tante ita tuh degreenya d chemistry teh," and i went "yaa ion doang,tany tmen skola aja *clicks on phone*" bt then i realised it was 9 and i ddn want t wake frh up XD.
If it was uzuke, Id call right away; Id care less if shed be asleep or not HAHA, and less likely that she would be- kih" , since ive woken her up bfore- with an actual intention of doing it.
So then I texted hamzah. She was like, " use the house phone" and i went no way. And then she was like "kalau ngga tau khan mrk nany tnte ita" . so wth her point is asking tnte ita HAHAHA. WHY HER? XD . SHES NT SOMEONE I CAN DISTURB WHENEVER I WANT XD. and itd seem so awkward, see. HAHA.


Hamzah Al Asadulloh said...

u talk tabt things so sudden n i ddnt understand wen u sed abt th badges n shirt (n still until nau Oo)

bwaha yes my mom has a degeree on chem t2h n she keeps nagginf us on ask her questions wen we dont understand things -_-

Anonymous said...

GYAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA at th salman drooling on his fingers. I think he wants t do a "GOOD JOB".
Cool i ddnt kno tht tnt ita hd a degree in chem.
n th ion thing isnt it th stuff in pocari sweat?wait ws tht ion-filled or ion-filling?who cares. thy both have 2 things in common. FILL ION. or mayb thts metal

niisaa. said...

HAHA ion is just an atom which has a charge [either positiv or negative] -if i got mi memory rite.

@hamzah= hahahah those wer just ideas. kih" i knooo i just cant help it HAHA. I just get a bit high sometimes. XD.

HAHA. yeahh, MI mom keeps telling me t ask fr help with yur mom , of course SHEd nag u too HAHAHA.

Anonymous said...

HOH i shal lern it later wen i'm OLDER. my brain is not suited for it yet.

syania/bs said...

u kno when i tell my mom i has chemistry problems she always tells me t ask tnte ita too. XD

sylphiawings said...

why didn't you just ask me about the chem problems? XD i know more than j00h.
-ebil laugh-

syania/bs said...

at cuna.
u just tuk chemistry for 6 weeks for guten's sake.

niisaa. said...

HAHA, bcz cania, sometimes i dont get u no offense kih" . u pause so much then i lost it.

Probably bcz im nt in ur class very often so I get farahh more JIM.