follow mi prens ;D

Thursday 30 October 2008

hahah everyths funny.


damn. The AC was too cold last nite now ive got a fever. i hope itd heal bfore evening hahhahaha. and omg i lost 4 teeth;

i dont wana talk abt how creepy the dentist took mi teeth out. But this part was funny; he was like "I promise it'll only take 2 minutes- promise" and i went "yeah yeah wtever" cz I knew the dentists in QP took half an hour fr one tooth. When it was time. He went "ok, ur problem is done- now MY problem" and he got some apparatus and SERIOUSLY, TOOK OUT MI TEETH IN 2 MINUTES. HAHAHAHA . IT HURTED SO BADLY BCZ I HADN HAD TIME T REACT OR ANYTH. IT SCARED TH HELL OUT OF ME. HE WAS LIKE "OOPS, HERE IT IS" . HAHAHAHA.
and then" he went t mi mom "the bottom one took longer bcz part of the roots was stuck t the other tooth, if i wasn careful , the other tooth wud break" . MI MOM WENT WHITE. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH IT WAS SO FUNNY. HE SAID IT AS IF ITS JUST A NORMAL EXCUSE.
IT DDN STOP BLEEDING UNTIL DAWN. HAHA. [ so u can imagine how bloody mi bed was las nite , and i also had problem with praying bcz it just ddn stop bleeding ].

i wonder how painful taking out 4 teeth in one day just like Riham XD. She must hav RELE suffered XD . BUT WTH HER DECISION IS SO DUMB IN TH FIRST PLACE HAHAHAHA.

u kno" i just realised, that i dont cry bcz of pain but i cry bcz of sadness. JIM. then omg im so gay *lha ko.

anyway" . here's th main talk. Since tuesday, I made a plan t keep the halloweeen party out of mi mom's conscience. I told her thers guna be an event at school and i hav t come early and go home late. A lot of people had t go t IA so weve lost quite an amount of charity people.
Anyway, mi mom went curious. I think it was bcz i asked her wher t get face paints. And I came home with Rawan's black vest. I was guna be a joker hahahah.
And damit, she asked in the car. Ther wer tnte ita , mi mom, me, umar, hamzah, salman and ali and the other salman if im nt wrong. So she was like , "teh, ada acara apa sih dskola" and i cursed t miself. I shudn hav shown her th vest or any hints towards th costume. I even wore mi costume since morning just so she wudn be wondering !! [ thank god i had tutor group of the week ]. And I went quietly "halloween" . and the conversation was over . I cursed t miself over and over again, cz i kno if SHE knows, thers a probability that she was guna stop me.
She didn.
Sth else stopped me.
She ddn say anyth abt th party at home. It was as if shes allowed me. But i knew she ddn. And i felt guilty all along.
It was 5 or sth. We were in the car. I was sleeping until Rawan phoned me. She was like "saher is sick" and i went "WHAT?" . Then she was like "cz saher's nt going, im nt going, u can go if u want". And i went "wat abt the preparation fr th party?" then she went "saher said thers guna be volunteers helping out so.." and i went "Shud i go?" and then she went "wtever u want, but nobodys guna be with u" . I was confused fr a sec bcz me, Saher and laura or lara or wtever th year 12 girl's name wer the ones wh planned out wher things shud go. And none of us could go. I felt guilty again. Then I thought abt the future pain id hav with mi gum that if i dont hav anybody blood's guna drip continuously [which i was right bcz he took TWO out ] . So i said i wont be going.
Then I thought abt this afternoon [after i told mi parents] abt th awkward scene of the word "halloween" . HAHA I BET SHES PRAYED OR AT LEAST HOPED DEEPLY THAT I WONT BE GOING. And shoot it always comes true. XD XD
So much for trying t trick mi parents.


Hamzah Al Asadulloh said...


i think i also need braces ._. i have a bottom tooth tht only half of it grows cuzo of th other one not plucked out well cuz it ws barely dangling. bwaha

so if i was you n bleeding all over n went to sleep, umar wud b swimming in my blood this morning xD

ooo u ws gonna b joker. th vest ws cool tho *0*

niisaa. said...

hooooh.. im totally messed up JIM

yeahhh . i had t wake up twice or sth bcz half of mi face is paralyzed so i cudn swallow and th blood was all over mi sleeves and bed and all HAHA.

yees" joker. i knooo riite. *____*

syania/bs said...

well nisa u DO like red n blood..

wahh saiiang u ddnt go~ i wnted u t describe to me all th stuff tht happened XD


sylphiawings said...

oh god bleeding. mien wasn't that bad 0___0
maybe you have blood probs? -glek-

aww that's too bad, you didn't get to go. XD

niisaa. said...

i ddn hav blood problems XD.

its just thatt they r 2 teeth all taken out at the same time so of course blood pours out. it stopped totally at dawn or sth JIM.