follow mi prens ;D

Saturday 28 February 2009

yesterday we went away


yesterday we went bowling

it was nice actually ;D
but today i found out that bs ddn rele ask farah and dhe3 abt going t cc
- __ -
farah was quite disappointed that she ddn get t kno
mi credit was dead until like.. i charged people 10QR each, HAHA
[and iwan thot i was charging him 100 QR ]

and see see,,
bcz me and andin got bored at some time
we wer like, talking this talking that
then i went "what if i just roll the ball like how people roll balls to some dog?"
[i ddn say this, i demonstrated it]
she was like " u kno, once in indo me and mi prens saw this kid doing that, and th kid got straight strikes. then this pren's brother said "hey, lets do that"
and i was like "did he succeed?"
she was like ifrgot.
then i tried doing it when it was mi turn.
it worked.
*bcz i sucked at bowling that was mi only way

oh and ther wer a lot of gay legs that day.
u shud see,, how th longer legged people lk so gay
bs took a lot of pictures of afdal's i thinkk,
it was th gayest leg ive ever seen
indra and crisa wer kul u knoh.
they keep getting points

after bowling we went t th foodcourt rite,
i called lily ther, when i realised that she'd be awake at this time,
for a time, i was quite worried about her.
but stupid indra kept taking mi burger king supply after i only had a bite each
*bcz it was hot so he was waiting fr it t go colder for him
and in the end, since people wer taking th potato wedges,
i ddn eat.
curse u ndra yeh.
and u kno wats, in th compound, mi stomach problems came up again
and i end up eating bread from dhea frh's while we wer playing cards in the tennis court

People at bowling were:
Me Bs Crisa Cania Andin Hamzah Umar Khalid Ghabot Boey Afdal Indra Afif


Faroline said...

indra kept taking ur sandwhich?hs gonna end up so fat heheheheh...

niisaa. said...

hes guna end up so fat?
no way no way,
hes cheap


syania/bs said...

ckck nisa lupa fajar

n n i dd ask dnf they just ddnt wanna go .
n dhe3, i thot she already knew bcuz we chatted n she cmmented in FB -__-;;