follow mi prens ;D

Sunday 22 February 2009



Hah, sorry for this entry
if it's too open to half of you XD
but yeah, as MD said , "nisa, you've matured!!"
XD XD i guess i hav t admit
some things HAVE changed in me i guess

So so so
Today Cania Crisa came t th compound.
Lalala, Sunday WAS a sleepy day for me,
as las nite i slept at 1.30 due to chatting and fnishing off mi DT h.w. and maths
So throughout the day,
yeahh, i just had mi "unhappy" mood swing

In the evening,
we went outside rite, t get some fresh air
Umar Hamzeh and Fajar also came out, eventually
Yeah , yeah, we talked abt a lot of stufs,
which i think ive frgotten now bcz i wasn rele concentrating i was sleepy
But at the end of the day, I joined Cania's conversation with Hamzah
talking abt moving to indo at th end of this year

He said he dsn want to ,
he dsn like the environment ther and all
I was quite slow to catch up really,
bcz although i seemed to be respondingg,,
I just realised how sad it will be .

When he kept moaning abt Indo and all,
Of course, when someone's upset,
ur not supposed to be the one that makes th person feel worse,
or even make the issue harder
So yeahh , all i pretty much said was
"if ur not ready for sth, then just talk abt it with ur parents, at least u'll understand each other more, "
"heh, mayb its for the best"
Inside, I was like T_________T whyy,"

On the way to piano, I finally had a thought of the people whos leaving this year
Bs Fajar Iwan Umar Hamzah
Damn, thats like, everyone but dhea and farah
> ___ >
So many .
Why so many.

On Thursday,
I was alone all day ,
Dhea and Farah wer already in Paris back then
It was the first time,
that i felt nobody's home .
That's why when I heard that Cania Crisa and Bs went to villagio without me,
I was actually upset,
although i ddn want to show it, [imean wtf's th point HAHA]
but yeah,
Back then, I wondered why I was upset
One outing dsn rele mean a lot to me ,
Today I realised, it isn abt the one outing
It's how I've never rele felt separation before

I had mental breakdown again for 2 hrs straight.


Orz said...


in 5 yrs..*JIMJIM

Siti N.Ehsan said...

Marsya u have to grow up no matter what.

Saherrr... said...

OMG... u felt seperated... dont worry... we wont neglect u... *cling

syania/bs said...

uuhh nisa i am sorry abt th villaggio thing bt i ddnt kno cania wud come, i just wnted it t be me n carisa only n so dd she; bt yaaa akhirny cnia ikut2an jg . ):

n n fajar is leaving in january '10 u kno