follow mi prens ;D

Saturday 21 February 2009

i had a dream too :D :D


This is actually an OOOOLD DREAM
i told a few people bfore
I can only rmember Bs and Hamzeh [i just told him2days ago tho]

See see
this dream contains :

Bs Me Arya Umar

Ok, sorry if th dream wont make sense t u hahaha
Note: th dream actually contains everybody here[indoprens], but only 4 became major in mi dream

So the dream starts here:
We all had invitations t visit this Al Khor family,
which only contains a husband and wife bcz their children already moved away [already married and all]
We ate ther and all, and the day was supposed t go on as a typical gathering
But all in a sudden ,
We wer reported that the husband was murdered
And since the wife is in shock and grief , the parents decided to stay over for a night

It was abt midnight
And everybody was asleep
Females slept upstairs
while males slept downstairs
But I was thirsty that nite
So I went downstairs in the dream
There, I found Umar, also drinking water
[idk how, but in the dream i had the right to open other people's fridges]
So I also took in a glass of milk
And Me and Umar ddn even face each other
Then Arya came
When he set in, I finally had th guts t talk
I was like "hey, lets find out who the murderer is"
and arya was like "okk,"
and i went "i'll tell bs abt it if u agree"
arya literally agreed
umar kept silent but we just kno that he does too

See see
While we wer talking,
we ddn kno that somebody would be awake too
the murderer was listening to our conversation

So so so
You kno how I used t hav continuous chores of hanging the clothes ?
Yeah, we ddn hav a drier machine las year
Wasn generous enough back then, XD XD

I told Bs abt it the next morning
And she was like "ok ten"

U knowhow in dreams, suddenly the setting changes? It changes right here

My mom told me to do mi chores again. And all in a sudden , the garage of the house becomes MI garage back at the compound.
There I was lstening t mi walkman phone
But after a while, I turned it off,
Only leaving the earphones in mi ears
But then I heard footsteps from behind
And I turned back t see who it was
It was one of the women from the house,
I was like "eh tante.."
but then i realised, that she was holding a knife
I was like o _____________ o
So i secretly pressed Arya's number into mi phone
[thats dumb, bcz back wen i had this dream , i ddn hav his number yet HAHA]
And I spoke through the speakers attached t mi earphones,
pretending i was talking t HER instead
"eh tante,, knapa k garasi? ko bawa" pisau?"
[ "eh auntie,, why ar u in th garage? and why ar u carrying a knife?" ]

The second Arya heard the word knife from his phone,
He immediately ran , taking umar with him , and ordering Bs to find the other parents
It wasn long until He came
He just jumped at her
Trying t get the knife away, but her hand was too wild
which in the end slashed past his cheek
and blood splattered on the wall
He moaned , feeling the pain ,
Everywher she moves her hand, it was dangerous for him t stop her

Meanwhile that, Umar moved quietly towards me and made me walk behind him to make sure I wasn near the woman
When finally Arya was weakened,
the woman ran away
and watf, instead of running far away to some unknown land,
we actually ran in circles,
but in the end, the setting changes again
it became mi old neighbourhood in Indo,
i used t live wher ther ar a lot of hills see,,
so mi compound used t be hills too HAHA
so running down was rather steep
And u kno, how SMALL I was wen i was young
So ther was this pit at the end of the hill,
which i used t find damn big
I dont thinkk It IS big,
I think it was only me,
I was only year 2 back thenn,

So when we wer running downhill,
I was the first one t run after th murderer
And we fell into the pit bcz it was too wide for us to jump over
And I sprained mi ankle
The woman was alrite
Still, she had the knife gripped in her hand
And she was walking towards me ,
I struggled to move away from her, bcz it was such a bad fall
Arya, too terrified to react, he stood still, with his trauma on the knife
Before he could do anyth else, Umar jumped in ,

And *this is wher the dream gets too far, XD XD XD XD*
he jumped onto the murderer and smartly made her let go of the knife
It got thrown away somehow
He threw the knife away and quickly covered me away from the woman,
both of us slowly backing away
Arya phoned Bs or sth, t get some ropes on the way
Arya and Bs was funny in this dream , XD
Bs was so slow getting the ropes and all
So it took a long time until th parents and everyth came in
Arya was like "HAH, BI EEEEES" and sighed in exhaustion
Bs was like "hah, hah, " , clueless and innocent,

then i woke up


Orz said...

i remember th part when u said the guy was kewl when th knife slashed his cheek.

niisaa. said...

ahh yeahhh
that was like,
th kulest scene :D :D

Siti N.Ehsan said...

That is one scary bad i dont remember my dreams.

niisaa. said...

HAHA yeah me either.
This is one of the rarest dream i can remember XD XD