follow mi prens ;D

Thursday 30 October 2008

hahah everyths funny.


damn. The AC was too cold last nite now ive got a fever. i hope itd heal bfore evening hahhahaha. and omg i lost 4 teeth;

i dont wana talk abt how creepy the dentist took mi teeth out. But this part was funny; he was like "I promise it'll only take 2 minutes- promise" and i went "yeah yeah wtever" cz I knew the dentists in QP took half an hour fr one tooth. When it was time. He went "ok, ur problem is done- now MY problem" and he got some apparatus and SERIOUSLY, TOOK OUT MI TEETH IN 2 MINUTES. HAHAHAHA . IT HURTED SO BADLY BCZ I HADN HAD TIME T REACT OR ANYTH. IT SCARED TH HELL OUT OF ME. HE WAS LIKE "OOPS, HERE IT IS" . HAHAHAHA.
and then" he went t mi mom "the bottom one took longer bcz part of the roots was stuck t the other tooth, if i wasn careful , the other tooth wud break" . MI MOM WENT WHITE. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH IT WAS SO FUNNY. HE SAID IT AS IF ITS JUST A NORMAL EXCUSE.
IT DDN STOP BLEEDING UNTIL DAWN. HAHA. [ so u can imagine how bloody mi bed was las nite , and i also had problem with praying bcz it just ddn stop bleeding ].

i wonder how painful taking out 4 teeth in one day just like Riham XD. She must hav RELE suffered XD . BUT WTH HER DECISION IS SO DUMB IN TH FIRST PLACE HAHAHAHA.

u kno" i just realised, that i dont cry bcz of pain but i cry bcz of sadness. JIM. then omg im so gay *lha ko.

anyway" . here's th main talk. Since tuesday, I made a plan t keep the halloweeen party out of mi mom's conscience. I told her thers guna be an event at school and i hav t come early and go home late. A lot of people had t go t IA so weve lost quite an amount of charity people.
Anyway, mi mom went curious. I think it was bcz i asked her wher t get face paints. And I came home with Rawan's black vest. I was guna be a joker hahahah.
And damit, she asked in the car. Ther wer tnte ita , mi mom, me, umar, hamzah, salman and ali and the other salman if im nt wrong. So she was like , "teh, ada acara apa sih dskola" and i cursed t miself. I shudn hav shown her th vest or any hints towards th costume. I even wore mi costume since morning just so she wudn be wondering !! [ thank god i had tutor group of the week ]. And I went quietly "halloween" . and the conversation was over . I cursed t miself over and over again, cz i kno if SHE knows, thers a probability that she was guna stop me.
She didn.
Sth else stopped me.
She ddn say anyth abt th party at home. It was as if shes allowed me. But i knew she ddn. And i felt guilty all along.
It was 5 or sth. We were in the car. I was sleeping until Rawan phoned me. She was like "saher is sick" and i went "WHAT?" . Then she was like "cz saher's nt going, im nt going, u can go if u want". And i went "wat abt the preparation fr th party?" then she went "saher said thers guna be volunteers helping out so.." and i went "Shud i go?" and then she went "wtever u want, but nobodys guna be with u" . I was confused fr a sec bcz me, Saher and laura or lara or wtever th year 12 girl's name wer the ones wh planned out wher things shud go. And none of us could go. I felt guilty again. Then I thought abt the future pain id hav with mi gum that if i dont hav anybody blood's guna drip continuously [which i was right bcz he took TWO out ] . So i said i wont be going.
Then I thought abt this afternoon [after i told mi parents] abt th awkward scene of the word "halloween" . HAHA I BET SHES PRAYED OR AT LEAST HOPED DEEPLY THAT I WONT BE GOING. And shoot it always comes true. XD XD
So much for trying t trick mi parents.

Wednesday 29 October 2008




friends lalalaa


ahahha. stupid braces. been bothering me all week- probably th coming week too.
The bottom gum just cant stop hurting completely. its sucks.
tmoro at 5 im guna go back t th dentist again. damn it costs at the cc queen dental. but i cant miss anymore lessons, and i always hav t suffer all day at school.

So", apart from the braces and the amount of work i hav this week, things are fine. Quite touching of how everybody asks abt mi teeth XD. Riham told me all these funny stories and all. When I couldn eat, Afrina and Amsharul was like "bring a porridge to school" and I just laughed. I was like "wth porridge XD" - marsya supported mi statement which was hardly supportiv at all . HAHA. and then amsharul suggested a way of th container and all. then afrina was like "If you're shy, then i'll bring a porridge t school too, then we can eat together".

T __ T

ina's always supportive *touched*; just like in the DT lesson [idk why, but since i heard i only got a 2 in mi effort fr DT, I kinda felt down a bit so ] when i was working alone when everybody was having fun decorating th room so she thought i was lonely [i was, but i wasn thinking of it] and so she kept me company. She always go "Are you ok nisa?" XD. Never met somebody THAT attentiv and kind bfore.
I envy her. ^__^

Also, today after school. Mr malley whoever he is had a birthday party. The cake was big. I ddn even see it. But even saher and marsya helped giving out cakes t other teachers just so they cud get a share which at the end they ddn. HAHA.
So" . I had art last lesson. I went t girls block t accompany marsya get her shopping lking bag. It took quite a time until i actually got t the front office. Everybody went out from the boys block quite late.
Then", wen i got t th front, lily and eman came up t me. they wer like "nisaaa weve been lking all over fr u!" i was like "whaa.." . then eman gave me this big chunk of cake and she was like "here its for u" . i went glek. lily was like "its soft u know, u can eat it. take it" i was like "really??" . and then eman went "yeahh,, seriously !! its mine but we decided t giv it t u" i was rele surprised. and then lily was like "we felt so sorry fr u u cant eat. the cake is rele soft". and took me quite a while t be serious.
I felt bad fr thinking they wer making a prank on me XD [yeahh.. fr the first 5 seconds or sth, such a bad friend .__. ] , when it was true, it was soft. It was vanilla.And I was, hungry.
I had t go home early after thatt; said thankk you and went.
And wow I was full wen ive fnished th cake.

[ those were the good people see, half of the noticing ppl either said i lk pathetic or just laughed at me. HAHA ]

Tuesday 21 October 2008



Seriously, Teachers should read a book of psychology first bfore they start teaching. Wtf mi new piano teacher. Ok, so maybe I HAVE been living in a wats-so-called-"utopia" where everybody is satisfying to me. My first impressions can get a bit far off, like the Canadian which isn as worse as her first 2 weeks. People change. But the way this piano teacher teaches just frustrates me. She critics every mistake I make but then moves on without slowing down with mi pace. Yeah" so she complimented me for the first 2 weeks. Big deal. But wth's with the 100x tempo in doing the piano scales and rushing with the pieces. The girl she needs is Dhe3. Dhe3'd cope with these kinds of things. I cant. Im a turtle remember? I take things slowly in until I eventually able t do it. I dont multi task. I dont just do 2 pieces in one week. I hav after schools. I have IGs revision. I hav chemistry.
I have a life.

I tried doing the two pieces today, after I got worked up abt mi dentist appointment. Shoot it it ddn work. I couldn get th right mood. And everytime I did, the touch was always "forte" instead of "piano". She goes "horrible, too light, do this, do that, excellent, thats nice" but then she moves on as if I actually got it in mi fingers. She should stop rushing. I mean- just get ONE piece right for a start. Wth this
mazurka and this italiano foreign named piece. She was guna cramp in the Wonderful Life or wtever th other one's called in the lesson but I was too slow to move on. - DUH. I was actually too slow for the both of those.

The scales, last time she said t do it lightly. This time , cz i cudn cope with it she said t practise it heavy and she was like "wrong", do it like this," as if she hasn told anyth
CONTRASTING from last week. OF COURSE I was confused. I hav a chemistry test tmoro. Im just writing for the sake of getting mi temper cool down.
But I mean- isn learning too many things just get u worked up? Isn it actually common sense that taking in too many critics for 45 min just frustrating? Im paying yu weird teacher.
WHERS MI OTHER ONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyth's always a balance. Once I change opinion from a bad teacher t a better one, this other teacher ruins mi life. In the end, Nth's actually changing.

Sunday 19 October 2008

Saher's beautiful Comments


Saher and I had to continue with our charity staff thingg. It was easier than last time. Ms Earl was flexible, Ms Edwards was flexible and some others wer flexible with time.

Anyway", I'm guna talk abt a few of the teachers. We started 2nd break since I had t go t Mr Jones at first break. Saher told me that shes asked Mr Johnson [ i keep getting mixed up between the name Andrew Johnston and Mr Johnson's name HAHA ] She then told me, that while I was in Ms Peachy's class[1st lesson] , he rejected her and all. But when she was asking th canadian, he was like, "Dont u hav t go t Mr Watkins' birthday?" . and Canadian was like "Oh ,rele? It's on th same day?" and he was like "Yeah, dont u want t party and have fun?"- saher added this one, i frgot if he rele said this or not.
In the end, the Canadian stopped signing up and so we've lost quite a few teachers bcz of "The fun party" . XD

So then we asked other teachers. If Im not wrong, we had English at 4th lesson, so we were in the boys block upstairs. We added Mr/Mrs Kearns into the list [Mr Kearns was guna run off until Mrs Kearns was interested and signed them both in] .
Then, we saw Mr West in his room. Saher commented "he lks like a zombie I swear" and I agreed, "he lks so dead HAHAHA" . We commented a few more until we actually knocked on his door. and he was like "come in" . Saher then announced the halloween night and all. Then he flipped his planner and went "Well.. no I dont hav plans on th 30th.. so .. " , he hesitated for a while until "well, ok then put me down on this time" -i frgot wat time.
All I could reply was a "thank you" but Saher went "Just dont forget, sir" -i dont this she realised that it was kind of rude until she actually said it - but then he replied "I'll write it in mi planner".
I couldn help but laugh . HAHAHA.
She was hardly persuasive at all XD.

The funniest one is abt Mr Johnson. Remember that I said that he's rejected her? Well, we were desperate right, at the end of 2nd break. And just then we saw him out of the Girls Block [we wer in front of him]. Annoyed with the little amount of teachers, Saher called out "It's all because of you sir!!" . HAHAHA. -and it was so random HAHAHA.
He turned, as if he hasn done anyth wrong, "What?"
His expression scared me. It looked as if we've just bullied him; but since hes not mi teacher, Idk if thatt expression is actually normal .
Saher then was like "we havn got that many teachers because of you" , there was sth abt the language that made us seem so sad HAHAHA. I was guna tell her t shut up until he came towards us and murmured "giv me" then snatched th paper and the pen from us. He skimmed through the list and asked "Wher's mi name?"
I was trying t skim through it too, "uuuh.. sir, I cant see .. ur too tall" even when I stood on mi heels. Saher laughed at me . HAHA.
He was too concentrated in finding his name and at last he did.
"Here!" he called out and wrote his initials on the columns.
We thought he'd only wrote once, but since he was so tall, I couldn rele see from underneath and his hands seemed t be rele busy in writing his initials. We just gawked at him . When we got it back, the whole row was filled with his initials.

I was like "WHAT?" when he left us. We both bursted out laughing. And it was clear that it isn Mr Watkin's birthday anymore. HAHAHHAHAHA.
Outside the tech block, the Canadian was standing. While passing, he murmured a little message t her. As fast as he is, we ran to her and asked her again in supervising the party. I heard him whispering t her, "Theyr not on the same day", which she then repeated "OH, THEYR NOT?" and then he continued "No, Thursday's free". I just giggled behind them and joined Saher in persuading her t supervise for the halloween party. At the end she's supervising all night. She was like "I want a best teacher award" and winked at me. Mr Johnson went "Yeah I tried that on them but no, dsn work". I couldn help but laugh.


Friday 17 October 2008

Alex Lees


HUAHUAHA . Still obsessed by the previous Britain's Got Talent (BGM), thers this kid I truly admire, Alex Lees. He's 8. God, Ive watched the same vid 4 times, 6 on the last minute and cried 5 times [more by the end of this blog] . Looking at his expression and effort I seriously didn mean t cry.

He doesn hav t be a total brilliant like [wtever that girl's called.. Riffley? Frilley?] or Connie to be touching. XD XD

I seem t be the only one who cried bcz of Alex. Dhe3 even laughed at him. I can't. It's just the expression in his face really reveals his actual feelings XD .
Yeah" he's 8, but not everybody can be like him. ^_^

HAHA I accidently cried even when the others wer bside me. Only Dhe3 noticed. She laughed at me. HAHA. The music had a lot of impact on me. XD XD XD XD
I know", it seems rele dumb crying over some 8 years old kid. He's nth like George Sampson or anyth, but thats wat's unique. He doesn hav t be like George to be happy :) :) :) . All he did was show everybody his true self and that was it.

I lost mi black pen and mi protractor today,, that sucks. JIM.

Thursday 16 October 2008




Seriously, I had miself touched. How they described the effort, how he raised money just for his lessons, pay for the petrol fee just so his mom can drive him- all by streetdancing. IT'S SO COOL.

He was like" "mi family is not exactly rich" but from lking at him , he lks like a regular boy t me. Compared t poor people that got t indonesian idol, theyr way poorer XD . but anywayy,, cool effort. JIM. He came back after a year of his failure. I salute him.
God his smile is so cute, kinda reminds me of Mr Green though. His voice.. is such a british voice HAHA. I've watched th vid over 5 times or sth bcz of the background music which emphasises th mood. XD. I ddn even dare watching his other vids yet.
In a way he reminds me of Arhuleta. hihihihi. Phenomenal.

Talking back abt todayy,, searching for abt 20 staffs to volunteer in supervising the halloween party was harder than I thought. Most told us t ask them again on Sunday , Mr Sutherland went " would I like to, no it's lame" and others said no. I mean- I thought this would be the easiest job, but I guess it isn. HAHA. In art", we wer continuing with our watercolour crystals. You see", Thursday is the only day we get t be in Mr Caddick's room. I like the size of it. So", Thursday is the day we can talk th loudest in the class and nobody seem t mind. [ In the other room, the whole room gets t be filled with noises] Me, Saher and Marsya stayed at the back seats since its closest t the water sink and most of the other art stuff.

One time, me and marsya talked abt mi russian piano teacher. Shes new. Marsya was like she lks pretty and I went no way shes not. Then she was like "but she lks pretty from the back!!" then Saher, who knew nth at all emphasised marsya's point t get it over with, "look, she lks pretty from the BACK" . I laughed.
Then I went " How can she be pretty shes not even thin" out loud. You see, in mi head, the canadian was in mi head; shes pretty and thin and all. I didn realise I said sth offensive.
Then Saher went " oh, so fat people arent supposed to be pretty?" as a sarcasm . HAHAHAHAHAHA thatt was wen I realised Ive said thatt out loud and it was offensive. Thankk god nobody seemed t lk back incase of realising, but I know that everybody heard. XD XD XD XD .
Then", Marsya went "but she's blonde!!!" .
Then again Saher went " SO BLONDE PEOPLE ARE PRETTY?"

So like, Marsya was trying t convince that mi piano teacher lks pretty by giving evidence that shes blonde , while I try opposing her by saying that shes nt thin.

P.S. Oh" I frgot. Cz we had the sunflower h.w. , a lot of the sunflowers suck ok? *offends* I meant it as it sucks compared to the other 2 h.w.s that we had. kih". not a lot of people got As. I surprisingly got a B- [not in a bad way, in a good way XD] - i ddn even fnish th art h.w. yet XD. Mr Ward was like "Did u even bother finishing it off?" I was like "No" then he smirked, "You thought it was just a failure didn u?" and I laughed XD XD. Mr Caddick liked its boldness hahaha.

So" ther was this pren of mine in th art class. And her art sucked in short [ i ddn even see it, but Mr Caddick kept critisizing it ] . He was saying it out loud and we could all hear him. I felt sorry for her shed be embarassed. Then Saher went [note that wer right at the back of the room] "you know, mr Caddick's grade is always contradictive" , me and marsya just listened. Not knowing the whole class was lstening, she continued "He's like "great proportion, good shading, great this, great that" and then at the end C+ " and by that time everybody was lking straight at her. HAHAHA. I noticed Mr Ward's sharp turn of his head since Saher's first notice abt grades. Then Mr Caddick went " I, WHAT?" with his head leaned onto his right to take a look on Saher. Everybody laughed. And she was like "Its true sir!! U wer like "great this great that" and got mi hopes up; at the end u wer like "C+" - wth " XD . HAHAHA.

Wednesday 15 October 2008

mi mom.


See". today was very embarrassing. Salman wet himself just bcz of a pencil case of sth. and lalala i had to sort out the talking since mi mom wasn the one picking us up. I never knew his teacher had physical problems until tnt. Ita mentioned it. It was sth t do with nerves really, when I seriously thought he was just always itchy and all so he has t twitch his head all the time- oops. Nth t make a joke abt, but her statement sounds waaaay more logical than mine XD XD .

You know how people
lick their fingertip to turn up a page when they read sth? Salman was doing thatt in a way that he actually KNOWS wth hes doing. However instead of only licking a bit of th fingertip, he drooled on the whole finger- though his face expression is kept straight XD XD XD . I mean- the pages ddn even need licking !! It was a lego manual with coloured pictures on it with papers like in textbooks. HAHA. Mi mom asked him [while laughing] why he keeps licking his fingertip and he was like "my arabic teacher does this when she opens the page" then she went ... . wth does he learn at school?

Thers guna be
a lot of things happening in th school in 2 weeks. Only Sunday, wer planning to leave the day out and just make an offer that if u pay so and so ticket on that day, u get a discount. XD I like that idea, Marsya would like th idea. It reveals the cheapness behind rich people HAHA. I wanted t suggest a T-shirt sale or pin sales but idk why but i ddn put mi hand up. Th week was already filled anyway. This isn in Indo, it wont be easy getting th shirts- would it?

Actually, pins would be easier. We can buy th kid plastic thing that makes th pins manually- though Idk how t make mi own designs.. by printing off from th computer- I frgot - and mi kid thing is broken so.. .

Oh" anyway at nite, I was doing mi chemistry rite. And I had problems with a few of it. Since like, 2 days ago or sth, mi mom kept suggesting that I shud hav lessons with tnt. Ita. I went glek, it seems so awkward. I thought shed at least suggest someone like BS, or sth. and just an hour ago I ddn kno wat ion is. And she was like "tanya umar hamzah aja". and i went "hah?" and she was like "tante ita tuh degreenya d chemistry teh," and i went "yaa ion doang,tany tmen skola aja *clicks on phone*" bt then i realised it was 9 and i ddn want t wake frh up XD.
If it was uzuke, Id call right away; Id care less if shed be asleep or not HAHA, and less likely that she would be- kih" , since ive woken her up bfore- with an actual intention of doing it.
So then I texted hamzah. She was like, " use the house phone" and i went no way. And then she was like "kalau ngga tau khan mrk nany tnte ita" . so wth her point is asking tnte ita HAHAHA. WHY HER? XD . SHES NT SOMEONE I CAN DISTURB WHENEVER I WANT XD. and itd seem so awkward, see. HAHA.

Tuesday 14 October 2008

Park House English School

and i cant keep chasing your memories...

HAHA. Im supposed t be doing DT Art and Chemistryy rev. soon. Anyway" I suddenly feel like writing abt mi old school , Park House [not KPS no, that school is pretty much out of mi life], although Park House seriously has been changed greatly over th past couple of years.

So" . Everytime I remember PH, I remember green and white checkers, green socks, green PE kits,and round hats with a ribbon around. I remember this girl asked me of being her bestfriend in her first week. She was totally nice, but I felt as if I wasn- like, seriously. I somehow didn stand up for her wen she needed support. But anyway we wer all year 4 so everybody was gay and naive.

I remember the atmosphere of the building . It was very British, haha. I remember this girl called Madeline who could swim really fast at a young age. And her brother Matthew who could play the piano amazingly in Year 7, hes talented. Haha, once she invited me t her party, and she called mi home number asking me if I was coming or not. Honestly, I didn tell mi parents abt it yet but I said yes. And she was like "are you sure?" and i went "yes" and closed th phone. I ddnt turn up of course. The next day she asked me why I ddnt. Note that it was mi first year in Qatar, although I knew exactly what words meant, I used to pretend I dont. [ Just like mi first PE lesson when I ddn bring mi PE kit]. So I was like "yes" . and she went " No" , why didn u come?" and I replied "Yes" . and she was like " No", I know u ddn come, but why? " HAHAHAHA. At the end she forgave me fr th reason "I dont understand" and we went back gay and naive. HAHA.

Everyone was nice in PH. I wasn ignored even though I couldn speak much [even if I understood the words]. Ther was also this kid called Walter. I think hes pinoy. His mother lks pinoy. Ive never asked, I never knew. So hes like, annoying, like Fajar, but at the same time sweet [at the time i was naive so i had no opinion of him]. Idk how but at the end of Year 4 or sth, he liked picking on me. We were closer in Year 5 though. I only stayed in that year for a term. He liked picking on mi names most if Im not wrong, and we always run after each other. Not only hyper and annoying but he also likes art. To tell u the truth, I think Walter lks like somebody I know now. Like Umar or sth? but skinnier. But wen I lk at people, none of them reminds me of Walter.

Walter likes t draw. Idk why and when, but I remember in Year 5 he drew a portrait of me. I was like wth. But now that I remember its kinda sweet XD. The portrait lks like a normal Year 5 drawing. I bet if I see it now im guna laugh. But for the time, it was actually considered good. The teachers [ther wer 2 somehow] admired and praised him. Idk hth the teacher saw it, we dont hav specific art classes in primary. I can only rmember the few minutes of that time. The teacher was like "this is superb, who is it?" and he went "this is nisa," while laughing at me and i called out his name in short for being annoyed. But I rmember inside, I wasn.

[ I wonder if hes back in pinoyy or wherever hes from]

Haha , and I remember, how I used to be the shortest in mi class -already. And wen we had PE this pinoy girl called Vanessa accidently pushed her elbow back, which then kicked off mi nose . HAHA. I was THAT small can u imagine? XD XD . Oh, and then it bleeded. HAHAHAHA. Since I ddnt want t say it was bcz of her, I said it was bcz of the sun. And I remember how mi PE shorts wer too big for me so it was kinda loose.
While walking up the stairs, I had tissue in mi nose, covered with mi hand. I bumped on the wall while going up. Imagine a little kid with layers of blood stained tissue covered in her face, which then is covered by the hand; trying to walk up the stairs blinded then bumped off the wall. I felt slightly dizzy . XD

Monday 13 October 2008

ok ok ok

and i cant keep chasing your memories...

damnn i think ive fnished most of mi revision for physics. Mr Heath was too fast I couldn keep up with th lesson HAHA. Kinda taking a break rite naw since hamzah suggested thatt i shud fill th blog in.
[did he?]

Anyway". u kno the sign that goes
"family day" in front of CC entrances? Wtf those lame dumbass cant even spare a day for people that DONT hav families. Its not as if those feet are theirs u kno. How does it matter if construction workers are inside? So what if they dont hav a family? Nobody has t hav one, retard. [wh th hell am i ranting to?] I felt so sad after lstening t wat mi mom said. They only have one Friday in the week.

Oh yeah she also mentioned
[these wer yesterdayy] that mi cousin [mentioned as mi dad's nephew which means pretty much th same thing] was supposed t come here and work here. However he got tricked a couple of times and lost a great amount of money a couple of times. Wth's with th economy these days? Indo-s are supposed t help other indo. Just wtf are they trying t make out by fooling? It's nt as if theyr guna be given happiness, see. Stupid asians.

Canadian is seriously, like, literally JUST like O'Neil. The only differences between them are thatt shes pretty [Hamzah wanted her as a teacher, he dsn kno how LUCKY he is t NOT hav her] and the way they state sth - O'Neil seem arrogant while Canadian seem very doubtful.
Still, theyr the same. And I was blank today since the word "Chemistry" passed into mi ears. Mr Gray was monitoring her rite, and last lesson she was like "be enthusiastic [trying t make her lk good]- well.. ur already enthusiastic [see how she always doubts her points?] " . And shes JUST like O'Neil wen somebody monitors. She actually became very loud and very confident. Not as if I understood more than I usually do, but she sounded like shes educated and
Im just dumb. HAHA. I couldn help but smirk at certain times in th lesson.

The past never dies.


Friday 10 October 2008

hahaha spams of revision

and i cant keep chasing your memories...

huahauhaua currently revising for biology. i was guna revise in msn, spamming one of mi conv. with mi pointless revisions. but i decided nt t disturb. instead i decided t spam mi blog instead.

okk.. so endoplasmic reticulum is a membrane network. Now", wth's with th long words? I studied all night fr the structure of cells and turns out they wern all. HAHA ribosomes and lysomes, curse them.
Endoplasmic reticulum is a maze of membranes wich runs all through the cytoplasm. They make fats and proteins out of smaller molecules in the cell. out of smaller molecules in the cell . out of smaller mollecules in the cell. maze of membranes.. cytoplasm. ok" got it.

chlorophyll use the light energy from sunlight t turn carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen . lalalala.

hhahahhaa i remember last night wen i finally started mi revision at 10 or sth. I blabbed mi revisions through th tablet and afdal kept pointing out
pointless stuffs like .. the gradient of mi writings.. and mi XDs which looked weird - i mean, wth HAHA.
at the end mi revision ended at 2 .

okk so moving on..
mitochondria release energy from food. The energy is for moving and growing. The energy is released by combining food with oxygen, in a process called aerobic respiration.

ribosomes make proteins. they are composed of RNA which are sites of protein synthesis

okk so new words : mitochondria and shoot i frgot it .. endoplasmic reticulum .

endoplasmic reticulum : the membrane network. make fats and proteins out of smaller molecules in the cell. make fats and proteins out of smaller molecules in the cell. maze of membranes which runs through th cytoplasmm. ..

organelles make up cells which make up tissues which make up organs which make up organ systems which make up organisms.

Wednesday 8 October 2008


U knooo im supposed to be studying fr mi maths but oh well all in a sudden i feel like typing but nobody's ol so .. i decided t open wat everybodys opening todayy.


not in a way that i walk slower or out of fashion and all (or maybe i am behind fashion, but thats nt important see) . I took 2 days off studying and using up too much energy out of th holiday and i found out that im behind in subjects again. Ckk,, whatever happened to "tyt" ?
Hahahha . I always fall asleep after school and stay up late.. till midnight usually.

Anyway" , on the other side. I feel smart. Because Saher keeps asking me fr help in art everytime she needs one (when there is no teacher). Mwahahaha go thank Saher. I feel more superior than Mr Ward . HAHA. Oh, and I also got accepted in the Charity Committee. I laughed at thatt. I remember th slip I gave t ms nolan the last paragraph sounded so fake. HAHA. Oh well, i hope she ignored th form after she's fnished choosing th people. 13 people in total really. Hariz's in it too; although i dont rele kno him personally, at least hes mentionable JIM. Since I first thought that I was guna be kicked out, I was gonna run onto the HOPE committee wher u save the earth HAHA.

I was somehow tired today afterschool that I slept after eating right until 6.30pm . It was the longest nap I've ever had. Nobody woke me up. Nobody bothered me. They didn need to anyway, but it was just surprising. Ahhahaha today we had this lame spelling bee. The title "spelling bee" sounds so dumb and childish so hardly any of us in the class bothers the effort. It ended in what, 15 minutes or sth ? HAHA. I failed on my 2nd word or sth then we got on with sth else. When it was chemistry, Cania asked me if we did the spelling bee. I was like "yeah," . She then went "what did you get?" . I was like "get what?" . Cania then said " I got silver *squints eyes then dances* " and she seemed so proud. I just smirked, " I got my 2nd word wrong." The conversation ended there.

Prove Justice.