follow mi prens ;D

Saturday 31 January 2009

on thursday 29th

Kaifa was right. We DO get connected a lot in friendships- a LOT.
Yeah, I'm not a very good observer like mi prens over there,, i wish i am. I've been ignorant since I've decided not t be too involved emotionally in problems [in a way i think of the positiv instead and frget abt them after 5 minutes] - which then influenced th way i react in positiv times ): [in a way of observing people carefully].


Wish I had th ability t think thoroughly of mi prens. I rele feel that i kno a lot abt them, but i cant put it in words-at all. All of yous ar special to me, im serious. Even marsya, the most random person bfore or after cania, i still think shes strong. Rele, nobodys weak.
I remember i talked abt afrina with this indo pren of mine. I envied her bcz shes, at the same time wh beated mi in DT, was also th first person wh cheered me up bcz i felt beaten. And when I was sad because of mi grandpa's death, it was her wh cheered me up [she made weird lullabies] in chemistry which was 4th lesson. On Thursday, I realised she was truly much better than me, much stronger, much sensitiv than how i looked at her.
Even lily, shes faced a lot of stuffs nowadays, but shes still able t smile at school and laugh abt bag. Not everyone can do thatt, i kno that this other pren of mine cant [no offense yeh].
Saher, omgi, shes a born leader. Mi parents trust her wen i told them abt going abroad with th same universities. Idk, its like, she understands everyth, she gets it, she feels it.
Caniaa,, hihahahahaha - random girl who comes up with those expressions ;D . Yeh cania, its been 4 years and u havn changed much XD . She keeps me in stability see, sometimes like marsya [altho to me, they ar very different] , her naivity [idk if that word exists] keeps me stable wen people ar in their hardest times.
Rawan? Idk, u lk emo ? :D
Since farh dsn even open blogs i dont bother writing abt her here.
and all.

heartyouall yeh ?


Saherrr... said...
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Saherrr... said...

ahhh i deleted my first post by accident!!!... leme remember everything... i liked the part abt u calling rawan emo.. hahaha... and i rele feel the same amount of respect for ina and lily as u do... and i just wanted to say thanks for all the trust u and ur parents hav in me... i heart u for ur honesty, and the way u opened ur feelings in this post, cuz i no its hard to do, and for being the person u are... i heart u

niisaa. said...

thankks saher,
damn thatt day was rele..
with everyth.
everyth thatt i havn rele realised fr such a long time.

sylphiawings said...

huwaa nisa. :D i wasn't at kaifa today because my mom said i shouldn't go, but anyway.

first time i've heard (or read) this, looks like you think a lot. :D mii like you too!~

niisaa. said...

yeahh me either cania, hehehehe.
nobody could take me ther or pick me up hiahahahah .
they say nt a lot of people came either.

Th kaifa thing i mentioned wasn abt todays lesson kihkih.

oh rele? yeahh it DID take me time t type this up bcz i was thinking real hard ehhehehee.

Orz said...

-gives candy-

lei_蕾 said...

i c ur other side when i read this post.
everything u wrote is just so true, so real, and so simple but touching.
i think we r MUCH CLOSER after that thursday. ryt?
love u !!!!!!

niisaa. said...

took me time t type tho.
i thinkk slowly HIAHAHA
yeahh ur rite, that thursday was SOMETHING alrite.

ronnie said...

i refuse to comment..bcuz i am emo?? thts all u culd say!! u lameo. ahh i commented anyway. now ur a deep floppy prson..haha.