follow mi prens ;D

Wednesday 11 March 2009



I want to blog toooooooo

see see
the walkathon
idont kno,,
i was rele tired lalalala

first, i started off with the first group , on the very first line
ther was liek,, dhe3,, dk and hamzeh's group too
i only spent some time with themm,, thinking that im too far away from the charity committee, i went back t the very front.
it turns out t be hardly any talking ther.
so i went back t the back.
and found marsya and nagiko.
then i went back and forth between dhe3/dk and the committee.
in the end, cania rawan siti etc caught up
and so i spent most of th rest of the walk with rawan and siti lollol.
[in the end of the first half, we realised we wer at the very back of the very back , HAHA]

So I was like rele rele tired due to some personal reasons
since the start of the walk
Rawan was like, the perfect one t lean on,
bcz she dsn push back see ;D ;D
HAHAHA, actually it was a rele nice time being with rawan and siti
th others wer like, at the front or sth

See, See,
Rawan and Siti wer wearing their bags rite,, [for some dumb reason]
bt i was the only one wasn
[i even gave mi water bottles t hamzeh and hariz fr them t hold on fr throughout the walk]
but when i said that i needed t be at th front bcz of the extra jobs i needed t do aftr th walk,
siti dragged us from the VERY BACK to the VERY FRONT
Did u realise how many people we wer passing by? XD XD XD

When we reached back to school,,
i found out why Lily was absent
ckk,, very unexpected,,
so i got into a rather low mood
[oh especially when i found mi car filled with people and i only had space fr like,, 1/6 of mi butt on, i was triggered t mental breakdown XD XD ]

at nite dhea came t find her books but we ended up talking fr such time lol


Faroline said...

um on blog toooooooo now

ronnie said...

fr sum dumb reason?? lol. XDXD
..siti was so motivated to take us to th

niisaa. said...

@frh: yeahh i saw ur new one ;D

@rawan: HAHAAHHA yeahh,, altho i dont think u had a reason anyway
i kno i was like ... HAHA.

Hamzah Al Asadulloh said...

u charity ppl

Hamzah Al Asadulloh said...

doesnt hav th ROTA bracelet "_"

niisaa. said...

see see ROTA bracelet dah ga jamann mzeh,,
its the shirt trend okkeee,
puny ga puny ga