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Friday 30 January 2009

yesterday today and tmoro

U kno u kno,
i feel like laughing alreadyy

So so on thrsday me and cnishi and lily and saher and rawan and afrina and farah went on a volunteer money earning fr gaza [ROTA] .
It was niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice.
All I expected was selling and receiving some money, wat i received from that day was much more.
Too bad marshii ddn want t come.
She kept calling fr amshiah she ddn even come either :D .
Siti and amshiah couldn come bcz of the long misleading map.
Afrina survived tho, HAHA.

Ther was also a neighbor in farah;s compound that told us t go die[this is exaggeration, but marsya would put this in if she was ther] and go t prison.
HAHA , we lost hope fr quite a while but i found it funny altogether after about 10min. HAHA . I wonder wat wud happen if that person was serious [she was] if she called th police.

We had happy times, crying times, misunderstanding times , but the day was rele worth it.

When i went back t the compound, these year11-12s wer in th tennis court and th clubhouse. Me and cania went O ____ O . Hth did they get here.
Mi pren said it mite be mahmoud's doing,, if thats true, that waw.. how many friends has he got? Half or even most of the people i saw wer from QIS. I ddn kno any of themm , but ive recognised some of th faces and considered all of them as QIS. Cania knew some of their names tho.
They left at 7pm or sth, turns out that mi neighbour's mom told th security t check on them. But nt only that, wen he checked, he told them t get out, HAHAHAHA.
i was like O ___________________________________ O wen iheard thatt.
HIAHHAHAHA thatt day was so unexpectedd. Oh ther was rawan's hot maths guy too, HIAHAHA.
I came home [in a way that i STAYED ther] at 11pm.

Th next day was friday. Went t th aspire t hav morning walks and all at 7am or sth. After we went back home, I took a shower and all and we immediately went t dinda's house fr a singing practice.
WAW she played th piano fr us and damn it was niiiiiiice . :) :)

*damn this blog is stupid half of this post is gone naw*

So so it was tiring after i got home. It was abt 5.30 or sth ? I tried t do mi DT but it kinda failed. After half an hour or so ghabot asked me if i can go out. But i ddn get wat he meant bcz i ddn expect him t be in th compound. When i replied in MSN he ddn reply. But after another half an hour or so i found out that ghabot boey ddol and iwan wer playing in th tennis court [th next morning i found out that ghabot tried t call me twice las nite too]. So i played ther fr a while- until bs came from dinner [after dkfrh left, bs had t eat dinner so i went t play with them] and i injured mi toe and th other compound boys came out. I couldn risk fr people stepping on mi foot after that, too many people then. So i backed off and watched The Orphanage with bs in th laptop, hiahahhah.
It wasn creepy until like, th second hour XD XD XD XD XD. Ghabot en boey scared us three times from the swimming pool's side- and damn since i jumped mi toe had t bump th shoe again, hiahahha- it hurts.
Those people left at 9 or sth? Compound people left not long after thatt except me bs fadhli and hamzehh.

-oh and u kno how amazing i played basketball? Its un-comment-able.


niisaa. said...

... so THIS is th comment i was told abt ? O ____ O

go rot at home marsya

sylphiawings said...

aahahaha so you had a day of pure fun too. :D

Siti N.Ehsan said...

HAhha..i could totally imagine marsya saying go die right after that person closed the door. and the rotting in prison thingy.

Orz said...

oh me~ -sparkles-

niisaa. said...

go die go die

@ cania : yehh we had great fun yeh?

lei_蕾 said...

i loved that day soo much.
and marsya's comment is just marsya.0-0 *neutral*

Saherrr... said...

WTH neutral.. its so randomly NEGETIVE!!! go die isnt neutral... hahaha... well seems like nisa had lots of fun after that day tooo.... the best part was... the yr 11s getting kicked out MUHAHAAHAHHA :P

emdaaii said...

wheres everyone? ko prasan cman mentioned u bs n the guys XD

niisaa. said...

dhea frh lagi k wisma gtu dehh,,
ad hmzahh fajar umar khalid juga sihh , but they came after i got hurt so i ddn play much with themm XD . so not a lot of names wer mentioned , yeh ? HAHA

ngga, d tennis court. tpi mrkk ngagetin dari blakangg lewatt swimming pool.