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Monday 22 December 2008

hari ibu? . _ .


By the title event : Hari Ibu, you would think of a quiet and polite event. I know, Im so naive, thinking that everything goes with its connotation- well the world isn.

From the beginning, mi mom hesitated to let me play. But I kept on going on, telling her that it has been long since I played in front of an audience- and mi stage fever IS flashing back on me again. That was the only thing that mattered to me: My stage fever. The thought of it being in the embassy DID bother me, but I didn thinkk that it would be that significant.

Oh, I've ruined it.

Since we've fnished the study group late, I dropped Saher off at Cania's apartment late. So of course, I missed the attendance check. Thinking that it was too late, I was only worried about the performance- who will be there?
The best memoir of a concert to me was the ITB gathering, and that was what kept me in calmness.
So" , when we've reached the embassy I found dhe3 and sat bhind her. Nearly all of the people I saw were those.. people. And damn it was so crowded, we stayed in the "Serba Guna" room which was.. rather too small?
And wow, the atmosphere was.. unsuitable. The stage was full of band equipments, the only thing that notifies you a clue about Hari Ibu was the red and white banner at the back.
So, maybe some of you people find singing women with electric guitars normal- I find it hillarious, HAHA. But by implying you the fact that there are men [half the audience wer male], I find it inappropiate.

Yeahh the voice was nice and yeahh I see I see they can play instruments. But acting all.. u know.. when theyr married and all, I dont find it funny anymore.
Oh, maybe u think omg I'm so lame- well, if it takes that, then I must admit that I would prefer to be lame. *just to tell u the truth
I tried calling Marsya just to get mi attention away from stage, but she didn pick up.
As the show continued on, mi stage fever gradually disappears and a new fear slapped me- what about mi parents?
Oh, of course they hated it, what else can I expect; but we were waiting for my turn to go and we couldn go home yet until I either play, or not play at all.

Songs after songs, mi turn still hasn come up. In the end, Tnt Susi told me and dhe3 to ask the woman for the schedule. Oh, it was hard finding her whenever we wanted to. Worried with the embarassment I would face if the person DID forget to put me into the list, I also had a little wish right inside me that I don't even need to play anymore. These kinds of atmosphere creep the hell out of me.
Uncomfortable with the situation, all I could do was nag dhe3 out of it [sorry yo dhe HAHAHA].Bothered with mi anxiety,I waited for the woman to pop up. She didn't. But Tnt. Susi DID eventually talked to the pink woman.

She was like "dari tadi tuh sbtulnya ditungguin,, cmn ngga dtg" jdi nya dlewatin". Oh yeah crap, that means we've waited for nothing. Dhe3 has already performed first and now the last band [pak dubes' band . _ . ] was playing. Mi mom was like "ngga usah ya teh," and I went whatever- I didn care anymore.
I thought I would be angry, but I knew it was mi fault in the first place so I didn. I felt kind of relieved in fact, at least dhe3 played.


syania/bs said...

wah.. so nisa again misses a chance t do a concert 0.0 *or ws this ur 1st chance? tau dah XD

n i just noticed u type in sorta proper english. im oldest yet im th one tht types in most slang n i feel weird cz of tht .___.

anyway2 hari ibu ko acarany mlh kyk gtu siiih. ): tht dsnt sound appropriate at all rele. tho smetimes i dnt get ur descriptions. XD

Anonymous said...

NISA i feel so bad for you. ;_;
because missing a chance n udah dteng like that is so.. you know

you shall just stick to jim then *pats*

dea said...


niisaa. said...

@bs: when the hell did i miss the chance bfore XD XD .
well, mi intention of th concert WAS to get out of mi boredom, but man thatt crap was far worse, thankk god i ddn stay longer- or else i would hav t watch pak dubes and his yo mamen sing.

hahaha, i just felt like it- and hth th way i write affect u at all? . _ .

oh, ask th dubes it was so weird i couldn find it funny.

@koresa: hahahaha nahh,, i had t drop saher off anyway,
and i ddn regret it btw XD

it was just the sudden shock of the attitudes of the stage people... . __ .

@dhe3: it wasn funny at all lking at married women play like kids - __ -

syania/bs said...

idk XD thts y i sed tau dah at th end *tling2

it affects me cz i always thot u wrote in a lot of slang like myself

pak dubes having yo mamens.. o___O

sylphiawings said...

huwaa nisa i thought you'd be playing but i guess you didn't. 0___0
oh well nisa there's other oppotunities don't worry be happy :D

Anonymous said...

you don't know me

XDXDD you tried to call me? I lost my phone and i think the battery is dead *jim*

Hamzah Al Asadulloh said...

nisaaaaa im so glad u MIND abt married womnen doing those stuff

n maaan tht ws a shame u ddnt get to play. they shudve put th youngest 2 play 1st. bt meh u wer late nyways.


n i see a sudden change from/of (idk) u toeng2

niisaa. said...

@anonymous: you you disappear when i am in need of youh *cries and disappears* HAHAH

@jimprz: wat sudden change??