follow mi prens ;D

Tuesday 12 May 2009

you are sotoy, you know that? i bet you've researched your own illness sometime this week

You seeeeeeee
I went to the doctor yesterday yesterday
and u kno wats
i easily get stomachaches ever since,

I mean, what else can doctors do?

Anyway anywayy,,
doctors can be quite funny,
the one that i went to had this tone
as if hes mocking me,
"u ar sotoy u kno that?
i bet you've researched your own illness sometime this week
the other one I had bfore this one,
[the abdomen doctor]
was so pitiful of me,
as if I needed a surgery sooner or later

Doctor: ok, so what is your problem?
mi dad: *talks gibberish, mixing gastric ulcer and mi lactose intolerance up*
Doctor goes ...
I went : i hav gastric ulcer
Doctor goes : u hav gastric ulcer?
I went : yeah
Doctor : how d u kno? u went t a doctor before?
I went : ... no,
Doctor: so how d u kno if uve got gastric ulcer?
I went: .. I dont kno, I think I hav gastric ulcer
Doctor goes: so u think u have gastric ulcer, *laughs*
Im like ...

I mean, thf, he went "u went t a doctor before?", hes a doctor isn he?
why was he laughing at me because i think i hav gastric ulcer?

Okk so ,,
this morning mi stomach was badly hurting again,
I went thf bcz the last time it hurted bfore going t the doctor was like, 2 weeks ago?
Why did I even go to the doctor,
Eventually , I had headache
this caused mi blankness;


I had the IGs this morning at 8.
God, last year was SATs, this year IGs,
Okk so the exam was actually easy,
very easy,
but u kno wat
I sucked at it ,
it said ther ,
"find the average between 12 and 11.875"
I was like "wher th hell is th mid value?"
cz see in maths,
we DONT do "add them together then divide it by two" anymore,
we go "that x the mid value + that x mid value over the frequency"
yeah yeah u would say i wouldv already suspected that the answer is wrong
of course i did
but i thot that if u add them up i would get the median
thf median,

and thers also this question at the end,
telling me t draw a diagram t check that the middle of this thing is at 84.2cm.
Idont kno wher the hell it said cylinder
but I guess I was the only one who ddn see,,
I drew a square instead,

and I thinkk I got this other question wrong too,,
wher it says wat other variable
I just put same amount of time,
which has already been shown in the first experiment anyway,

Yes see, 3 out of 3 i got them all wrong,

P.S. Oh yeah oh yeah , When I went home,
Tante Ita was like "nis, kata mama kunci ny didapur ya,"
I was like "iya tante,"
then i got out of the car and walked to the door,
it was locked, "why is it locked?" I thought
;that incident happened in just less than a minute,

Monday 4 May 2009

i cant believe i hav so much intestine issues,


I knew that there was always an issue between me and milk
and u kno wats,
I just never realised [until farah told me]
that I am lactose intolerant

Well, the phrase is self explanatory,
I lack the enzyme t digest lactose,
Lactose intolerance is caused by reduced or absent activity of lactase that prevents the splitting of lactose (lactase deficiency). Lactase deficiency may occur for one of three reasons, congenital, secondary or developmental.

*lol I copy pasted that

I guess mine's from the congenital, from birth. Cz mi mom has th same issue. Its the mutation of th gene thinggyy,, and deficiency starts shortly after birth, lol.

Ok so,
it wasn AS bad as it is right now. Like, last month, it has been long since I had any gastric problems [another stomach problem], so I was like, "I feel like drinking milk" bcz milk used to be mi solution for keeping me awake- it wasn as bad as i said.
Well, to be truthful, that was only half the reason, the other reason was because people keep mocking me short and all. It's not as if I get tempered or anything, I got used to the call. But it was plainly related to thatt. lollol.
Not long after, I had a really bad stomach ache. Expecting for another diarrhea, I didn't. I was really surprised I didn't. Maybe it's not as bad, I thought to myself, but the pain continued and I felt really weak days after. (I ate mi gastric pill to ease the pain out that night)
This is very unfortunate really, because before that incident, I was sure I was very very healthy and that I would be able to maintain health from the air and all.
In the end I triggered off my own damage.

I felt that mi stamina was really low since then, though I'm not saying it in terms of not having a runny nose or anyth, but I get sleepy at night- which is not the time when I need it currently.
Anyway, going to the worst, it was about 7 and I was thirsty. Regretfully, I took the wrong cup [which isn a problem at all usually].. and it had just less than a mililitre left over of milk inside it.
You see, the glass WAS white already- then so was the milk. Hth could I know, I filled it with water and drank it without thinking.
Then I felt it, the taste of milk. I looked into the cup, oh lol, milk and water.
The second I looked at it, I thought, oh ok,
The next second I felt like Ive wasted my time fulfiling mi thirst
My stomach was being crunched up.

Yeah, I know right,
thf it's only a little bit of milk,

Those were all last week I guess.
Not long after I have t eat honey three times a day, every meal time,
and it would hurt even before meal time,
so I would have to just be available at home.
And at breaks,
Damn, what every 2 hours if I dont get to eat anything,
it would hurt.

Yeah, maybe no more diarrhea,

The common symptoms of lactose intolerance are gastrointestinal, primarily, abdominal pain, diarrhea , flatulence (passing gas), and, less commonly, abdominal bloating, abdominal distention, and nausea. Unfortunately, these symptoms can be caused by other gastrointestinal conditions or diseases, so the presence of these symptoms is not very good at predicting whether a person has lactase deficiency or lactose intolerance.

until now,
abdomen still remind me of spiders,
so idk wher th hell human abdomens ar *jimfaced*
but wher ds it say stomach hurting? lollol .

note: right now mi stomach is still very very hurting,
see, I was supposed t sleep early,
I looked into the mirror like an hour ago and mi eyes ar rather red,
although i slept in the afternoon so I could stay up late.

P.S. Oh yeah,, maybe the reason why it all got worse
is because of mi other problem,
the gastric ulcers thinggyy,,

Gastric ulcers occur when there is a break in the protective lining of the stomach leading to the erosion of the delicate lining of the stomach and intestines. The erosion results in a raw, open and painful sore in the stomach lining.

lollol Im researching mi own condition,
so dumb