follow mi prens ;D

Thursday 9 April 2009



ckk,, disabled by request thatt embed code thingyy,,
so i'll just bookmark it here

lol. the gay is very very gay looking >) >)
but i liek it,,
found it ages ago and then found it again somehow,,

Tuesday 7 April 2009



kayashima taiki, - hana kimi
or yamamoto yusuke

i shall bookmark these pictures *o*

oh yeh,
one more post,,
yesterday, marsya told me that there's this girl in th malaysian kaifa,,
that she met this girl that looks exactly like me.
Not only that, she also ACTS like me.
"She kept talking abt these korean bands" quoted marsya,
I freaked out.
Because afdal once says, that the greatest insult an indonesian can have, is being said looking like a malaysian,

Monday 6 April 2009

your own long story


Hahahh,, nagiko's last day todayy .
Although we dont talk much t each other, as a classmate [actually more that thatt,, but i cant find a closer word t this] , i'll really miss her.
And so, I gave her this thingyy this morningg. Only marshi saw it other than nagiko and me, xD .

I knew that I wouldn be able to stand for long at school. Despite the fact that today was called Mondayy, where I would miss a hell load of stufs if I miss school , I also wanted to give Nagiko thatt messy looking laminated A4 see.
First lesson was physics. Damn. I ddn get a thing. Not only it was hard t catch up, but mi headache was worse thann ever. And sometimes a feeling of nausea would creep up on me. It was horrible.
Less frustrating it was in bio. But it was still bothering. And when i went t the nurse. The fever developed while I was waiting for mi mom t come.
It took her 45 min .
So annoying.
Thank god Biology and Physics were after each other. It wasn planned, but mi intention WAS leaving after those subjects were done with.

ahhahh,, at nite , i finally agreed t go t the doctor.
It was rather funny, because I lack vocabularies in communicating for important issues. I had issues in making sure if the nausea that I know of actually means nausea. Remembering this lyric from silverstein, "this feeling of nausea", it made me doubt that a song would darely put that word in , bcz in the indo word of nausea, it connotates me of pregnancy, XD XD XD XD.

Two lessons I learnt from the doctor :
1. Nausea means that feeling of vomiting, mi definition was right.
2. Spiders arn the only creatures in that own abdomens.

Now", you may already know that humans also hav abdomens within them. But hth shud i know? When the doctor says "and you sir, d u hav pain in the abdomen?"
Both me and mi dad went " ... " , mi dad has an abdomen??
And see, I've only vaguely record what I've seen in mi biology book. And so this picture flashed into mi mind instead

mi dad is a spider? iasked miself

The doctor gave me a hell load of drugs. There's this ORS one which stands for :
Oral Rehydration Salts to prevent me from dehydration [i suddenly had diarrhea after mi fever was gone] .
And see see, it says these kinds of stufs on it, rite,,
[this is a different one,, from another company]
But see see in mine, it has other directions for use.

One bullet point says:

Orally feed the solution to the patient in small amounts as per the need. In case of vimiting, wait for 10 min and give again.

And I read this when mi dad was mixing the salts with water in the kitchen. And when he handed the solution to me, I blankly drank the whole thing down.

It was in a way, blank, but in another way, just a feeling of reverse psychology. The phrase "in case of vomiting" made me want to try it out.
And I vomited.

Mi dad was like "see, thats y u shud take the vomiting pill first " [ i was stubborn not to take it bcz I ddn feel nausea anymore] . And I went "no no.. see here *shows the sachet* "
then dad goes " ... " .

P.S. thanks for those people who texted me for a get well soon , (: (: (:

Saturday 4 April 2009

happy together



nanba is married aaaaa



They got married on the 13th of April, which happens to be Hiro's birthday! Image NANBA NOOOO HES NOT A VIRGIN ANYMORE!!
*oh lol hes kissed guys a million times bfore hasn he?*jimfaced*

Nanba senpai, aka Mizushima Hiro

And Ayaka Ayaka,,

Friday 3 April 2009

i miss tarzan


two worlds

series theme song

i like th composition of these songs >/////<