follow mi prens ;D

Sunday 29 March 2009

hana yori dango

Oh lollol,
Idont kno why,
but I feel like typing
and so, I shall write about Hana Yori Dango


so see see,,
the story is rather similar to Meteor Garden.

There's this school of which rich people go to,
it's ruled by this group of boys, F4, which are sons/heirs to extreme money making.
Then there's this commoner girl,
Who wishes to not stand out in school due to the bullying F4 does to people who goes against them.
But eventually, she had to stand up for her new friend, Sakurako, and declared war herself.
since then she gets continuous bullying from the F4 leader, Domyouji [idk how t spell his name] in order to kick her out of school.
However, as the girl continues to fight back, that guy starts to fall in love with her.
so then, lalalalalala.

Yeh, the guy isn cute at all.
The girl is cute in mi opinion tho; ^^
If only th guy is Nanba-senpaaaaaaaaaaaaaai [relates to Hana Kimi and mei chan no shitsuji]

Here are mi favourite characters:

This is that main character girl. i forgot her name, sth with a T.

Inoue Mao *i saw in wikipedia ;D

But here's nanba senpai ^^
[in replace of the uninteresting main character guy]

wahhhuuuuuuu i likey nanba senpaii yaaa,,
if only i can cut some nanba senpai scenes in hana kimi,

oh" and u want to see some sano izumi? this is how he looks like in THIS drama

i mean, at first i was like, "whos this brown haired familiar looking faced guy?" oh. it's that sano.
aaaa that guy that had no life in hana kimi oh no,,

He's like that girl's first crush when she first came to school.
He used to save her and all.
Hanasth Rui his name ;D
[clearly, I havn made an effort in memorizing names]

and here's the plastic surgery faced girl.

and this is this other guy part of F4,
he likes tea parties

P.S. Oh yes Ive heard about that Korean version of it, but the girl doesn look cute thats y ive decided to watch this instead ;D
yeh, this is an old drama ,ya?

chrisye- pelangi


seaakan tersenyum

this entry is pointless,
its just to bookmark mi piano cover song which is hard t find
just because the singer is dead now

*its an old song, XD

Pelangi - Chrisye

i cant help it


just after mi obsession on dramas came haunting me again
[well,, i ASKED for it]
mi mom found out in Fb,
she stalks me !!
damn,, i thot it was a rele good chance t watch dramas
[and it IS]
she ddn tell me off by th phone see,,
;D ;D

she doesnt kno that IGs are in 5 weeks? ;D ;D
*lol bad kid bad kid,

today i only have one more hour until i go for piano
damn see,,
i havn practised at all
and im on mi 3rd grade piano..
which is a whole grade jump from grade 1
hahahahahh ,
i hope today i'll live again
last time i got told off so many times

see see atm i need t do mi DT evaluation
but watf d i comment on evaluations???

What I like about my project

I personally like the images on it. Although it does not literally state that the shop sells video games, its comical style of the bag hint customers about our service. “Big Bang” is a catchy name itself. Not only it will attract young adults, the name gives everyone a sense of adrenaline. I also find the bold font appealing as it has its own red outline around it. Although the bag is filled with images, wide images and logo makes the bag seem effectively cheerful.

What I don’t like about my project

It is too full. The logo does not stand out as much as the big purple mascot as it is too small. The sides of the bag are also in grey which contrasts the tone of the front. Too much variation of colours appears to be rather confusing as it does not focus audience onto one point. Due to the excess use of colours, the cost of the ink printer may be expensive.

What I would like to change

I would try to minimize the amount of colours to decrease the complexity of the bag. The mascot should also be smaller and fainter in colour to stand the logo out instead. The logo should be bigger in size and be solid coloured. If possible, all of the images on the bag should be faint coloured except for the logo. The sides of the bag should be either in white or rainbow combination.

I wonder if this is okay,,
O: O: O:

*for the first part of the evaluation.

[mi first piece for the examination - _ -,,the teacher tells me off more thann it sounds like in the song]

Thursday 26 March 2009



Just watch.
You will laugh.

Tuesday 24 March 2009

saher can't be mad at me


I shall, for once since a long time,
talk about today.

Tuesday, 24th March 2009 ,,
My mom left the country last night,
Despite the fact that we all woke up late,
I didn take a shower that morning ,
so that I could make breakfast and prepare the sausage rolls for me and mi brothers.
In the end, mi dad washed salman.
We went with Iwan and Fajar's car,
and came t school early.

In DT, we were continuing our shopping bags rite,,
and then we took out all the bags
and found Hamzah's.
It was named sth like "Ferret Optics"
And so me and cania wer like "I like thiiis," and all
And then I looked inside the bag
"It's an optic shop"someone said
and i was like "yeah , yeah,"and put mi glasses inside it .
Then Ina put it back into the cupboard.
Yeah yeah I know Im not very good at building atmosphere in a story,
but see see, u wonder why I ddn hurry to get mi glasses out,
Ina and Cania both knew that I put it in there
And Ina was doing it deliberately, XD
And I wasn in the mood of wearing mi glasses since we had PE next anyway,
So I left it.
Unintentionally, for 2 hours and 15 minutes.

Lalala, I think I hurted mi toe again ,
The other toe.
It turned blue, again.
Now both mi toes are abnormal,
or will be.
PE was alright actually, not as funny as last week's,
but still nice.
I remember this time,
we were just playing ball as usual rite,,
And we were at the foe's side of the field .
And people were passing the ball and all ,
I forgot who it was, I think it was Anoud.
Mi team just lost the ball,
and the other team was passing it all round and all
Then somebody kicked very hard t pass t Anoud's..
and u kno wats, HAHAHAA

This after school ,
Ndra told me t come t kerry's after school party on her last day
I dont thinkk I'll be going.
Anyway, I forgot mi phone at home again today .
Not knowing that this would lead to trouble,
I only told dhea and hamzah that I'm coming home at two.
And uknowats,
damn. They left me.
Dhea went home at one already, I knew that.
But hmzah ,, idontkno, no komen.
The after school car practically left me.
And so in the end I had to wait for mi dad,,
half-an-hour .

It was rather mi fault tho,
I ddn bring mi phone by accident .
When farah and tnte chandra was apologizing t me ,,
it made me feel guilty,
I was being too careless and all.
While I was waiting outside, Abdullah was still there rite,,
I found out that he actually stays in school until he makes sure that everybody's home.
o _ o
That is very ,, caring u kno
He even asked me if I needed him to call for a lift for me.
I was like, "it's ok it's ok, mi dad's coming anyway, XD"
It's nice to be with nice people.
He was playing with the al thani primaries,
I just joined in with them,
This short year 7 [i thinkk he's in year 7] can do all these kinds of stufs with his tongue and hands
He wasn humane at all,
But I found it entertaining see,,
He did this thingg,, which made his finger seem t hav no bone at all ,,
It was rather gross at some parts
but, yeah,

Oh yeah,
today in charityy,,
abid came in.
I bet it was because his after school's cancelled and had no lift or sth - I ddn ask.
All he pretty much did was comment on th suggestions and plans for the charity committee ,
at least he was contributing attention see.

P.S. I was late to go outside because Amshiah lost her phone and so I waited for some time,, realising that I was rele late, I found out that I got neglected.
When I got a quick ride to the mosque [checking if they rele went] with saher's car,
I used saher's phone t call Cania, which was off.
Then Amshiah went out of the car and asked me if I need a ride home with her.
I mean, obviously, her house is rele far away .
And I would just create trouble to more people then, [but I rele rele rele rele appreciated it]
In the end I realised I could just call mi dad, XD XD XD XD

The point is, see how friends can help u so much ?
The more you do to join in society, the more help you get when in need,

P.S(2) Oh yeahh , in charity,, me Laura and Saher were kinda talking abt the list of customers in the T-Shirt sale rite,,
and saher sarcastically said "I wonder who lost the first one?" while nudging her eyes at me [that is creepy if literally done,HAHAHAHAHAHAH]
and I went "hehheheehe" and all ,
and then laura said sth i frgot .
then saher was like
"idont kno, i just cant be mad at nisa for some reason;
maybe its her face"

when i heard "her face" I felt so proud HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA

Friday 20 March 2009


she will hate this.

LOLLOL, big bang sunset glow.
She hates this song ;D

see see today all ive been doing was revising
So now Im having a cranky break until abt 8.15pm?

They look so comical in this LIVE x) x)
I want those banners ): ): ):
I have tried spamming,
watching youtube,
but what I rele need is going out
But nobody's available
So I'll just continue mi bio revision
It's nt as if ive fnished anyway.

Hahahh , Ive realised, since Idk when, mi blog's filled with youtube embed codes, and rants abt kpop/taiwanese stufs, and not much abt "my life" anymore,
I mean, this site's public.
Typing about the last 24 hours of mi life just tires me,
and anyway, who the hell will read it,
[at least here i can bookmark videos more open ;D ]
But when I looked at last year's posts,
it WAS interesting to see what's happened,
anyway, mi real diary only contained mi feelings and not what really happened.
I havn even written much.
Only randomly scheduling mi life.

See see so far I've done 2 posters:
1 on the alimentary canal system
the other on the gaseous exchange system
I annotated it with post-it s , and permanent pen.
Ok this is tiring already, HAHAHAHAHH .
You see, there are only 2 things I feel like talking out loud
but of course,
I would be the evil guy if I rele do it XD XD XD
So ,, no it's ok i can hold it and have constipation
lol lame joke lame joke

Thursday 19 March 2009

laskar pelangi

menarilah dah terus tertawa
walau dunia tak seindah surga
bersyukurlah pada yg Kuasa
cinta kita di dunia

Yeah, I know its a rather old movie now,
I havn seen it, or even read it,
but I just realised the lyrics
Hahah, I actually cried when I heard that verse over ther that I wrote at the top
It's true.

sorry fr the sappy and rather formal writing if ur going t be reading

Allah sudah mmberikan kita banyakk
Kluarga, tman" ,, guru",, jalan, pilihan, cinta,
hany saja kita yg tak menyadarinya
Sebetulny kita tdak puny prioritas utk bersedih
[and i cant write anymore bcz i dont like writing sappy]

Monday 16 March 2009

sorry sorry [][][][][][]


LOL, the [] were on purpose, theyr some korean writing i dont get i guess.

Super Junior has a new MV

Despite the fact that theyv changed their style
and look different
and their voice is nice
The MV is funny,

Like, th first minute its like
sorry sorry sorry sorry you you you you mesmerizing mesmerizing mesmerizing me me me me
*ifrgot which order these words are when i saw the translation a few days ago


Isn dancing just hillarious?
And when that fat guy's being th lead dance he lks funny,
so wide

i mean- i dont even get th first 10seconds of this vid,
wats with the eye LOLLOL
wats with 0.35min , HAHAHA

And and and lk at 1.56min to 1.58min, wats with th emo hairstyle guy popping out

wats with th stupid solo dance at 2.48 too btw lollol

it's all im asking


5. Two triangles ABC are such that AB=4.5cm, BC=6.8cm and angle ACB= 30 . Work out the value of the largest angle in each of these triangles.

Anybody find out where the other triangle went to ?

wahhuuuuuuuuu im so tanned now
why why i ddn even do mi IA yet
and that walkathon made me look so dark naw
idont want to lk like mi brother noooooooo
*im nt trying t offens anyone or anyth btw XD XD
*uses rasism

oh yehh, cania's tanned bcz of IA naw.
she said she said
she uses whitener every morning and night after IA
not good cania, not good

Saturday 14 March 2009

biasa saja


No I dont hav a reason to blog rite now

i likey today fr some reason , HAHA
i feel freedom today

heh but im doing rvision fr bio
and i thinkk im guna be stuck
but see see
ihav prepared fr this moment
isearched fr th mark scheme bfore i print th question paper ;D ;D
so i shant be stuck today ye ye ye

yep,jflowrite here,, vidi drop ur voice come on,

tiada yg hebat

dan mempesona
ktika kau lewat
dihadapan ku,,
biasa saja,

Friday 13 March 2009

xiao man <3 ah ben


Imagine this,,
You are a girl
You are from a rich family
You had everything but company
It is your birthday
But nobody has the time to play with you
You are sitting on a bench
As people pass, only one person,
one boy,
ask you what was wrong
You tell him
it is your birthday today,
He seems to pity you and says that he will play with you
and so you both go to the theme park
you play all afternoon
He even buys you ice cream
It became the best day of your life

But the next day,
you run to him
but he says he has to leave
You ask where he is going
But all he takes out is a yellow stone
You find it beautiful
He hands it in to you
He says that this stone falls on Valentine's day
He says that if you make a wish every evening,
your wish will come true

You wished that he will come back

Now stop imagining that you are that person.
7 years ago,
there was a poor boy ,
"I was selling yellow stones" he says, "But nobody would buy it, I was totally ignored . So I got pissed off. I was walking home until I saw this girl crying From her clothes, I knew she was a rich girl, HAHAHA So so I asked her what is wrong, she told me everything. As expected, her purse was filled with money. so I played with her. It was rather fun, she paid for everything of course. I even bought this expensive ice cream ive been wanting! But as the day goes on, I got bored of her I had to find a way to leave her. So that morning... I gave her one of the yellow stones

I said that this stone falls on Valentine's day
I said that if you make a wish every evening,
your wish will come true
After she got distracted, I ran away of course"


Thursday 12 March 2009

prikitiw" XD XD


people went to IA
and nobodys left in th compound except me and farah
[others ar umar hmzah + fajar ]
so so so
dhe3 came.

ad ad ad lagu bagus lohh,,
vidi- nuansa bening
dhe3 said si vidi ish like,, dinda + annisa's pren's brother
u want to see" ?

HAHA bego dehh,,
pas dhe3 dah plg,,
nisa knn mau nge dl lagu nya juga,,
first, i searched Divi
[it's supposed to be Vidi]
so it ddn come up

Then I tried "Nusantara Bening"
This came up:
Dutapalma Nusantara was incorporated in Indonesia in 1987. ... NET Programmer - Bening Guru Semesta, PT · IT Staff - Berca Niaga Medika, PT ...

I was like ...

Its nice its nice u know,,,

Wednesday 11 March 2009



I want to blog toooooooo

see see
the walkathon
idont kno,,
i was rele tired lalalala

first, i started off with the first group , on the very first line
ther was liek,, dhe3,, dk and hamzeh's group too
i only spent some time with themm,, thinking that im too far away from the charity committee, i went back t the very front.
it turns out t be hardly any talking ther.
so i went back t the back.
and found marsya and nagiko.
then i went back and forth between dhe3/dk and the committee.
in the end, cania rawan siti etc caught up
and so i spent most of th rest of the walk with rawan and siti lollol.
[in the end of the first half, we realised we wer at the very back of the very back , HAHA]

So I was like rele rele tired due to some personal reasons
since the start of the walk
Rawan was like, the perfect one t lean on,
bcz she dsn push back see ;D ;D
HAHAHA, actually it was a rele nice time being with rawan and siti
th others wer like, at the front or sth

See, See,
Rawan and Siti wer wearing their bags rite,, [for some dumb reason]
bt i was the only one wasn
[i even gave mi water bottles t hamzeh and hariz fr them t hold on fr throughout the walk]
but when i said that i needed t be at th front bcz of the extra jobs i needed t do aftr th walk,
siti dragged us from the VERY BACK to the VERY FRONT
Did u realise how many people we wer passing by? XD XD XD

When we reached back to school,,
i found out why Lily was absent
ckk,, very unexpected,,
so i got into a rather low mood
[oh especially when i found mi car filled with people and i only had space fr like,, 1/6 of mi butt on, i was triggered t mental breakdown XD XD ]

at nite dhea came t find her books but we ended up talking fr such time lol

Saturday 7 March 2009

noway no way


Only today I got back mi obsession with dramas
*well, it was never as if it was ever gone ,, i just try hard not to watch at all

but but but
i got into trouble today

2 episodes ,
then i died


You knows, "Legend of brown sugar chivalries" isn as lame as i thought ;D
cz atm im nt in th mood fr serious romance or anyth
theyr theyr nice
(: (:
made me laugh, made me cry too omg

quote// "Lin Qiang thought that she's his dream girl, she's pretty, she's smart, good at wugong, and she has family problems"


[im not supposed t be blogging, bt bcz i got defeated by mi mom,, I decide to take revenge on this wasteful time ;D ]

P.S. Oh yey now mi sleeping schedule's back to normal O: O:
note that normal means between 12 and 10 pm. x)
Yeahh,, CAN be considered late, but the "suitable" sleeping time for 10 years olds dont suit me,ok ? HAHA. Sleeping too much isn good, ckck.

brown sugar macchiato


let us flashback of brown sugar macchiato .. :p :p


*stares*, "wher's the hot girl?"

poor them, the dad's a sick dying player
lol he goes "although u dont kno each other, u ar definitely MY children"

Ao quan goes "how can they be ur children theyr all so ugly"
Wang zi finally comes in *pulls collar* , "say it again, who's ugly"

"and together, create a warm atmosphere family " says dad while playing golf.

i like proud prince



I like his voice :D :D: :D
so soft >_ __________o

sho kul sho kul , muahahahah

his his his ..
its nt like i just knew him recently
smiling pasta was like.. las year o __ o

sho kul sho kul

*uncontrollable fandoming*

i like his voice

wo ji bu ao de wang zi
*ok,, im making th lyric pronounciation up,, but.. HAHA*

hes a proud prince he says

this may be off topic and off-fandom,
but i miss this drama >////<

Friday 6 March 2009

lol at nicholas teo


See see,
last nite i had a dream
that Nicholas teo was like, mi cousin's pren or sth
and iwas waiting fr him at mi cousin's house
but he never came
so i waited in th middle of the road
but his car just randomly passed me
could it be.. a sign? kehkehkeh
"not even in your dreams" he says.

P.S. his car was black,
i guess it was because of this


oh lol its red in the vid.

Monday 2 March 2009



Yesterday I took 20QR from marsya's credit.
Yesterday I found out that the day before I actually had a heat stroke.
Therefore yesterday my credit went up to 42QR.
But today I felt guilty,
because yesterday I remembered that 2 days ago,
I never gave their money back
But I got over it.
Oh oh today after school
it turns out that mi brother wanted a DSLR
me: "A, DSLR kan manual, kamu emangny bsa gtu? teteh aja ngga"
him: "kan udah diajarin sama ddol"
hth did HE get into the story
that that expensive value in cash of inspiration
just because I ddn giv u that QR10 back yehh,
no way no way im not letting mi brother get a DSLR
He lost the covers for mi tablet pen watf.