follow mi prens ;D

Sunday 23 August 2009

sinetron ramadhan


LOL its funny;;
i was glancing at the TV when I caught the scene of this religious handsome, rich character sent into jail for misunderstandings
(actually I made up the misunderstandings part, but for a typical indo-drama-a.k.a. sinetron ,, they're usually caused by backstabbers, so called misunderstandings)

See, he was in jail.
He was praying.
First thing, i LOL at the clean floor, and clean wall,
and the non-rusty bars.
Second, i LOL at how his sajadah (that mat for praying) looked decent,
and not just made of dirty cloth.
What kind of jail would have that, even in jakarta?

Then, these two police officers came to him after he prayed.
They asked him if he could teach them how to read the Quran.
Then, these others criminals in jail started begging for him to teach them too.
He was liek, "astagfirullah," and lalala

but, okay.
he could be one of those people in indo , claiming hes prophet Isa,
or an angel,
and all.

Especially in jakarta,
Its hopeless there,
why, how, and wthff is that happening at all?
poor director,
he must have been lost in his own directions.

Sunday 16 August 2009

... oke


ddol Indonesia says:
*eh lg ngpain?
niisaa says:
*ntn fahrenheit
ddol Indonesia says:
*.. oke
niisaa says:
*hahaha XD knapa?
*u are very speechless

LOL, my bad,
I need my diary- didn't think i'd need it here,
but when something bothers me
I overreact in a way, that it always bother me
(mind u, i dont really get bothered in this way easily)
So I'm typing it here;
But yeah. Idk why its so bothering anymore.
But it just bothers.
Just that ddol Indonesia nickname over ther bothers me.
and how he starts the conv. when he knows thers nth t talk about.

LOL when he said he was bored in qatar,
I intended to write "congratulations uve realised where you are"
but I accidently wrote "congratulations uve realised who u are"
but i ddn send it,

Wednesday 5 August 2009

I was going to type airport when I realised that I was at the station


aaaaaaaaaaa why don't I see much oriental faces in bogor,
here, even this malay waiter I found in th small restaurants under rifky's building quite good looking
when he and tante nunu and mi mom talked about bahasa melayu and indo,
I laughed because he laughed WUAHAHA

and this guy in the station, smiled at a baby crying
(sounds wrong)
yet I fell for his smile aaaaaaaaaaa


I can't type too much just incase signal goes out


a lot of these oriental guys here lk nice (y)
,, very very nice,
but th ones they cast on tv always lk so alay it's sad

once me and my cousin watched this wordplay show on tv
the category was "orang"
the answer turned out to be "suami tersayang"

couldn't they be more creative?

Tuesday 4 August 2009

Ghost House


I got iPhone yay

(Actually my intention here
was to describe Malaysia and how they copy + paste indonesian culture here, claiming its theirs, but I change my mind)

I came with my family, my 2 aunts and one cousin.

And I'm staying over at my cousin's house, since he's living here until the end of year for his studies. (he has a wife)
Ok, so we went to this theme park k, with Rifky and Revin
(note: their "house-condominium-however-u-spell-it- is even better than the one in Abu Dhabi's (Y) )

It was actually an indoor theme park at Berjaya Mall or sth,
And we rode the roller coasters, the 360 degrees ride,, etc.

It was fine. It wasn't that scary, didn't turn on much adrenaline.
But then Fadhli wanted to go to the haunted chamber in the corner,
According to experience (it was only yesterday),
HAunted house are usually very lame,
But since Fadhli wished so,
We were liek, there's nothing to lose, so lets try,
When we got there, it turned out that we had to pay 7 RM (for 7 people),
So there I knew that this haunted house must have costed more human energy,

After paying, this guy with a long, leather black coat came up to us,
The entrance was only a door space (without the door), divided into two parts by the headings "In" and "Out" - covered by ripped up black curtains which was there to scare us.
Before we could do anything, the guy said, "Ok, wait here" and ran into the house,
Of course, since our experience on Haunted Chambers weren't that amusing,
We kept laughing at the Haunted Chamber,
Fadhli, who was most excited yet most cowardice, kept screaming whenever my cousin pushed him into the entrance.
From the spaces between the ripped curtains, we could all clearly see the same guy's white Converse shoes running around the house,
the statue which was only visible at an angle from the light outside finally lit green and orange lights from the inside.
Still laughing and mocking at the guy who told us to wait, which we eventually reffered as our guide, there was another guy, who rushed into the Haunted House.
"LOL he must be the ghost", one of us commented.

Finally, after about 5 minutes of their preparation, our guide came out,
"Ok, so before we start," he explained, "Don't touch the ghosts, ok? "
then we LOLLED so hard.
I realised he was wearing a white and red typical guy shirt not-made-for-scaring , and blue jeans, and converse- he wasn't appearingly prepared himself.
"they're very dangerous," he added , politely.
HAHAHA I still remmeber clearly the guide's face, smiling but serious about his warning,
But we all joked about it, even when he was still standing in front of us,
watching us laugh and over-estimate our reactions towards his coming up pranks.

(note: there were me, my 3 cousins , fadhli, Rifky and Revin)
- 3 girls and 4 boys-

The first chamber was pretty much small, there was a TV screen merged on the wall,
The guide stood beside us as he looked as if he was paying attention too,
We stood obediently as the skulls on the screen did the introduction.
There was a witch-looking model sitting on an armchair beside us, and those "horrifying" halloween decorations which we found typical.
I looked down at the sitting model, its hands moving as if waiting for something to happen. Of course, it's what typical dummies do to make "audience" think it's real. I wasn't being fooled by that.
My cousin, idiotically waved at the same model, calling out "weeeeey" at the face, then made out peace signs by the fingers.
The model must have thought my cousin was not very nice,
because then he stared at my cousin when she looked back at him,
Through the eye holes were real eyes,
"WOI! INI BENERAN!!" she screamed urgently,

I didn't really catch up on what she was really saying,
When I looked at the so-called-dummy, it was pitch black behind the mask,
So I didn't think she was right.
"What are you looking at?" I heard the skulls talk, "Gentlemen, gentlemen, hold your manners, we have guests"
The video wasn't long, and the screen faded back to black.
Then I looked right

The model was walking towards us, arms open in posing to scare us
. Everyone, who were scatttered at first,
huddled into one corner of the room, screaming (MUAHAHAHA)
Rifky, instead of moving towards the next door mindlessly moved back, where I was, screaming in shock
In the end, we were all clutching on each other,
I looked back.
Behind my cousin was a wardrobe- which was shocking because I didn't see it there before,
and there jumped another ghost, running after us from both sides.
I remembered glancing at the guide, looking half surprised , yet completely satisfied.
He joyfully skipped to the next door, waiting for us to catch up.

We all attempted to make a run for the door,
since the Dont touch the ghosts,ok warning repeated in my mind,
I didn't want the ghost to come any closer,
Since we didn't fit through the door, we had to go one by one,
instantly, forming a train of dumb victims.

Out of my 3 cousins, there is only one cousin, whose gender is male yet, out of the three, the least least least daring. He claimed himself as the bag-holder whenever we start to ride something extreme.
He was the first in line, because Fadhli was too scared to be at the front therefore he flinched to second- in line.
I guess the workers there knew that Fadhli would be their peak of achievement.
So whenever we moved to the next door, they would always start from the second person.
This cousin of mine kept his pace unexpectedly casual.

We all perfectly knew that there was nothing to be scared of.
Yet we all screamed spontaneously, gripping each fingers onto the shirt in front of us.
"these malaysians," I blamed for nothing in particular.
I bet these workers have all improvised their acts as we ran along, because every single one of them ran after us- I mean, surely, that wasn't very creative- but it worked.
(note: Ah, my memory has blurred from this time on. It was all pretty much running and screaming and clutching and scratching and much more running than I can make out any solid things to type on)

It was quite a nice haunted chamber, ya
I think we screamed more emotionally than we screamed in the roller coasters .

After the last door, the guide who was clearly there went "BOO" and we screamed some more.
He laughed as we went out.
"Pantas saja lama!" mi cousin told the guide,
He didn't even reply,
I'm not sure if he actually understood what she said anyway, I don't think they have "pantas saja lama" in the malaysian phrase vocabulary , XDDXD

But he laughed,

Very satisfied Malaysian guide he was.

Wednesday 29 July 2009

I curse Bella (Twilight)


They say authors create such complicated, unique character,
actually they're just annoyingly different and unwanted;

Yeah, I've read Twilight, and it was fine ,
but now I'm reading New Moon (to kill time productively for English First Language-I will be going over words after mi trip to malay)

And damit damit damit Bella, that girl is so..
thf, yeah to all u ex-twilight readers,
is it just me, or is she just suicidal,
She treats her life miserably,
when in fact she was popular from the day she came to school until she rejected that human life,
Everybody cares about her,
when she usually uses her school mates to avoid her father, - and when she's with Edward, she doesn hang out with them anymore

Whats this wats this,
there was this part where she and jess went t port angeles t catch a movie,
(bcz Charlie, the dad, was sick of her doing nth since Edward was gone, so she asked favour for Jessica t have her "girl-night-out")
there were men just outside the pub, which seemed familiar to her,
so she got interested and went towards them,
when she realised they wern the bad people that tried to harm her last year,
she was disinterested, bcause she was safe, they were nice people,
thf, she doesn even run,
Worse still, that Jessica was still gawking at her in the middle of the street,
if she wanted to die ther,
go die,
but Jessica was there,
thank god they didn get hurt,
these things put me to emotional breakout see,
Emo people suk;

P.S. to non-twilight readers, Bella sucks at P.E. so when she's in trouble, she only pretends to be brave, though she is exceptionally clumsy when running

Monday 27 July 2009



Disney is polluting our minds now,
unliek Tarzan which is rated two-thumbs-up,
its moral is so damn worthless,,

Yeah, everybody knows that Disney's fairy tales (liek wats so called Cind
erella and Princesses) do not even reflect reality (not even one bit).
I mean, how does Cinderella's shoe verify that Cinderella's the real "princess"?

Yes, they say that every effort will pay back some time,
but how is becoming a maid in ur own step mother's house ever gets u becoming a princess ?
Yeah in real life, it only makes sense if you study everyday to become a doctor, then u will probably become a doctor (If God allows it ya ,)

But what's worse is that,
see see they say Cinderella is kind because she tries her best to effort everything she does, liek cleaning her whole house which was conquered by her own step mother,
To me,
she's a suck up

THF its her own house dsn she have any self-esteem t get it back herself without the need of the mice and the birds and the pumpkin and the horses and the stepmother and the prince to do most of the job for her,
I think she's just bothering everybody's night see,
(even the villains' nights ya)

It just turns out t be a positive ending on whatever she does see;
And wow, in Cinderella's second movie, there was no financial crisis she h
ad to face,
she just had to be kind to everyone,

she was kind to her wicked sister,
in the end everybody's happy,
im not even sure if there was a villain in this story,

my first intention of typing was about Twitches,
Seriously, I know you all immediately find this movie is horrifyingly lame, before even watching it;

Let me type in what its about,
I think I was watching Twitches 2,

(I havent watched the first one bcz i wasn that bored years ago)
It was about these twins who were witches,
and one of them sensed that her father, Arron, was still alive, (I dont know why he was dead but they were desperate to get him back)

and she had dreams and stories locked in her head which lead to turning him
back to life from the Shadows
However at the same time, the people from the magic world had already foretold the coming of the villain that came in the first movie,

If there was a tragedy like this happening in real life,
I doubt that person would ever come out of her room and stay in that magical world until they sorted it out,
but no,
they went to college,

they flirted with the boys,
they fought abt how gorgeous the boy is,
but somehow,
they all relate to the solution of their deadly situation,

P.S. actually, the reason I'm typing tonight was because there was this scene,
where the family were all alive,

(Yes, the father was alive again, they had time to hug)
Then there was this scene where the villain was weakened and tried to get back at the father,
and he jumped liek this

(caption: I mean, if that scene was supposed to picture you of an attack, what kind of witch would jump at another person liek that? Most likely he would be falling, or landing on someone, but then end up getting kicked off anyhow; its only reasonable for a lion to tackle like that)

P.S.(2) Talk about being creative, I guess Twitches 2 tried to make some changes in fairy tales too,
instead of having a prince of their age as their happily ever after
they saved their dad,
(note that he is also a prince)
then happily ever after.
How nice.